Lord, we stand today as our forefathers have stood before You in times gone by, Celebrating our history and revelling in all the great things that our country has achieved. On this day we rejoice in the favor You have graciously given us. We thank You for the blessings of liberty, for this generation and for the generations to come. We thank You for our independence, peace and for all those who have bravely given their lives in the defence of freedom and justice. We thank You that Your gracious and provident hand has given us so much. Yet as a nation and people we have not always chosen the right way. We ask You to forgive us for these times. On this day we commit ourselves to wholeheartedly honoring and serving You. With everything that we are, we lay our lives before You. Make us a generous people, A holy nation, A people set aside to love You forever, For the sake of the land of the brave and free, And the peoples and nations of this world. Today, we do not presume Your grace for our country. Our land is in need of You, Our people are in need of You, Our industry and business is in need of You. May we look only to You This Independence Day, dependent on You. Please come now by Your glorious Holy Spirit, Breathe new life into the sinews of this nation. May justice flow like rivers, And righteousness like a never failing stream, Until the whole of our country is covered with Your glory, As the waters cover the sea. We ask all this in the wonderful name of Jesus, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit. One God, now and for all eternity. Amen.
Dear Lord,
There is no greater feeling of liberty than to experience freedom from sin and death that you provided for me through Jesus Christ. Today my heart and my soul are free to praise you. For this, I am very thankful.
On this Independence Day, I am reminded of all those who have sacrificed for my freedom, following the example of your Son, Jesus Christ. Let me not take my freedom, both physical and spiritual, for granted. May I always remember that a very high price was paid for my freedom. My freedom cost others their very lives.
Lord, today, bless those who have served and continue to give their lives for my freedom. With favor and bounty, meet their needs and watch over their families.
Dear Father, I am so thankful for this nation. For all the sacrifices others have made to build and defend this country, I am grateful. Thank you for the opportunities and freedoms we have in the United States of America. Help me never to take these blessings for granted.
Help me to live my life in a way that glorifies you, Lord. Give me the strength to be a blessing in someone's life today, and grant me the opportunity to lead others into the freedom that can be found in knowing Jesus Christ.
In your name, I pray.
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." (Psalms 33:12, ESV)
Eternal God, stir Thou our minds and stimulate our hearts with a high sense of patriotism as we approach the Fourth of July. May all that this day symbolizes renew our faith in freedom, our devotion to democracy, and redouble our efforts to keep a government of the people, by the people, and for the people truly alive in our world.
Grant that we may highly resolve on this great day to dedicate ourselves anew to the task of ushering in an era when good will shall live in the hearts of a free people, justice shall be the light to guide their feet, and peace shall be the goal of humankind: to the glory of Thy holy name and the good of our Nation and of all mankind.
Lord God Almighty, in whose name the founders of this country won liberty for themselves and for us, and lit the torch of freedom for nations then unborn: Grant that we and all the people of this land may have the grace to maintain our liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
We lift up our hearts, O God,
on this day of celebration in gratitude
for the gift of being Americans.
We rejoice with all those who share
in the great dream of freedom
and dignity for all.
With flags and feasting,
with family and friends
we salute those who have sacrificed
that we might have the opportunity
to bring to fulfillment
our many God-given gifts.
As we deny all prejudice
a place in our hearts,
may we also clearly declare
our intention to work for the time
when all people,
regardless of race, religion, or sex,
will be granted equal dignity
and worth.
Come, O gracious God,
who led your children Israel from slavery,
keep us free from all
that might hold us in bondage.
Bless our country and join
our simple celebration
that we may praise you,
our Source of freedom,
the One in whom we place our trust.
On this Independence Day I am reminded of all those who have sacrificed for my freedom, following the example of your Son, Jesus Christ. Let me not take my freedom, both physical and spiritual, for granted. May I always remember that my freedom was purchases with a very high price. My freedom cost others their very lives.
Lord, today, bless those who have served and continue to give their lives for my freedom. With favor and bounty meet their needs and watch over their families.
Help me to live my life in a way that glorifies you, Lord. Give me the strength to be a blessing in someone else's life today, and grant me the opportunity to lead others into the freedom that can be found in knowing Christ.
“We thank Thee, O God that the freedom we celebrate in coming days is not an attainment, but an obtainment that it is thy precious gift to man as a part of his createdness. We thank thee for the daring of our forefathers in reclaiming their “ancient rights.” We thank thee, too, for the heroes' valor, the patriots' devotion, the prophets' vision, and for all the blood and sweat and toil by which our freedom was purchased. As we commemorate our national independence accept again the declaration of our everlasting dependence upon thee. In all joy and thanksgiving enable us to remain a nation “under God,” and give us grace and goodness to minister to mankind in His name. Amen.”
“Lord God Almighty, in whose name the founders of this country won liberty for themselves and for us, and lit the torch of freedom for the nations then unborn: Grant that we and all the people of this land may have grace to maintain our liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.”