Dear God, may You be with me as I celebrate a long life of love and faith. Let your light shine in me as my journey with Christ continues. Amen
Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. Amen.
Heavenly Father, who hast brought our gracious sovereign Queen Elizabeth to the completion of her ninetieth year, and dost gather her people in celebration of the same: grant that we, rejoicing before thee with thankful hearts, may ever be united in love and service to one another, and her kingdom flourish in prosperity and peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Heavenly Father,
as we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of Her Majesty the Queen,
receive our heartfelt thanks
for all that you have given her in these ninety years
and for all that she has given to her people.
Continue, we pray, your loving purposes in her,
and as you gather us together in celebration,
unite us also in love and service to one another;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Lord God,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
You were there
in Hutchinson, Kansas,
when a boy was born
to David and Bessie Hostetler,
and named Charles Vernon.
Today, he turns ninety.
Thank you for his long life,
and continued health,
and the three sons he raised
with his wife, my mother.
Thank you for the heritage of faith
he received
and passed on.
On this day
and every day hence,
please bless him mightily
and grant that he may enjoy his life,
his loves,
his puzzles,
his meals,
and peace,
in Jesus' name, amen.
Dear Lord,
We come before you as gather together to celebrate Ruth Jacobs 90th birthday.
We thank you for who Ruth is, a woman of grace, a person of character, and someone who reflects your light and love.
We thank you that we are able to experience you, through our participation of life with her- for when you are hugged by someone like Ruth Jacobs (someone who acts like Christ's arms to the world), it is as if we are being hugged by you.
So together, today, Ruth's family (her biological family, her church family, and our extended family of friends), gather together to celebrate who she is- because of who you are- a God of the grace we see in her.
Thank you for this time to spend with her today. May you bless these moments-- so they would be moments we remember forever with a smile.
Be present in our conversations, our fellowship, our laughter, our reminiscing, and our making of new memories.
Thank you for this food, prepared by hands who love Ruth Jacobs. Bless this food to enable your work to be done through us.
God be with you as you celebrate a long life of love and faith. Let his light shine in you as your journey with Christ continues. Birthday Blessings. Also contains quote from Matthew 5:16 "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven."
Dear Lord, with all my heart I pray for my mom as she celebrate her 90th Birthday. Continue to nurture and to care for her always and forever, amen.
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