Lord Almighty, Creator of all life,
Thank You for creating the angels.
As dedicated and faithful servants,
They instantly act upon Your commands.
Please direct Your angels to assist me,
Ensuring the accomplishment of Your work,
In accordance with Your Divine will.
Always rekindle my mind to remember
That Your angels are available to me
As restrainers of diabolic obstacles.
Thank You Lord for Your auspice!
Your kindness is infinitely good!
Dear Heavenly Father,
I ask You to send forth your angels to minister to the needs of my dear friends this day. That many will see, hear and receive a special angelic touch from You that will heal them in spirit, soul and body.
For those who are fighting against a spirit of death, that they receive a divine healing touch, and they will rise from their deathbeds completely healed.And for all who are suffering from physical pain, sickness and disease, I ask that Your ministering angels will encompass them and release their physical healing this very moment.
I pray for others who are fighting against a spirit of deception, that they will receive a message of truth that will set them free, and lead them down the path of repentance, and back into the arms of the heavenly Father.
Holy Spirit, send forth Your angels who will minister love and acceptance to those who are contemplating suicide today. Give them the message of hope needed to choose life and to carry on to the victory that comes only from the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
For those who are in the place of major decisions today that will affect their lives and those of their families, release Your ministering angels and strengthen them to do what is right according to Your Word.
Whatever the need may be, I ask that You will release Your angels to minister to them by the power of Your grace. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To whom God's love commits me here,
Ever this day be at my side,
To light and guard,
To rule and guide.