Heavenly Father, how we praise and thank You for the precious little lives of all new-born babies, little toddlers and young children, knowing that each one is special to You and was known in Your heart, even before conception.
Thank You, that You have scheduled every day of each little life, and we praise and thank You for the special plans and purposes You have for every single new-born child, for all babies and infants.
We pray Your loving protection over all babies and their families and pray that many may be brought up to know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Give parents and grandparents and all those that are in any way connected with young babies, the wisdom and grace to care for them in a loving and secure environment.
Guard and protect, guide and provide for each innocent little baby and protect their the hearts and minds from a society that has grown far from the God Who created them and sent His Son to die, so that they might life. This we ask in Jesus' name,
God, please give my baby all that is required for a good way of life and for a good way of living.
Please let this child bring joy and pride to me and my family. I will give all that is needed to this child. And help me to do my best to guard and protect my baby for his/her lifetime.
I am now in the Sweet Presence of God. I am at one with all creation; I sit in the spirit and the nearness of the God of my Being. In this state of peace I know my true being.
An amazing miracle of creation has occurred in my life: my child was born. This experience has been humbling yet empowering. I am awed with the wonder of this new being that is in the world because of me. I am in a state of grace knowing the incredible co-creative power I have with God, right here, right now.
Bless this child. Bless their health, their heart and their soul. They come into this experience we call life so new, so fresh and so pure. May I be everything to them that they need to have a full and complete journey. May I understand that they have their journey and I have mine as a parent. We are to each other teacher and pupil, pupil and teacher. I will learn as much from them as I teach them.
Lead me in the path of knowledge with my child. Light our way together. Keep us protected and divinely guided in all matters and at all times. May we always feel the presence of God in our lives and may we be blessed.
Help us both to enjoy these early childhood years together. Give me patience and wisdom to do the right things and to do things rightly. May we be happy and full of joy as we spend our days. Bless us richly with health, happiness and laughter.
I am deeply grateful for this child and for all that this child represents in my life. My experience of life and my contribution to the world is changed forever and I am grateful. Thank you, God.
May all the blessing of our Lord touch your life today.
May He send His little angels to protect you on your way.
Such a wee little fit, sent from above.
Someone so precious to cherish and love.
May sunshine and moonbeams dance over your head
As you quietly slumber in your bed.
May good luck be with you wherever you go.
And your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow.
May you always walk in sunshine.
May you never want for more.
May Irish angels rest their wings
beside your nursery door.
And for the proud parents:
May God grant you a wee bit of heaven
to cradle in your arms -
a sweet bonny baby
to hold close to your heart.
A newborn babe
brings light to the house
warmth to the hearth
and joy to the soul
for wealth is family
and family is wealth.
Heavenly Father, how we praise and thank You for the precious little lives of all new-born babies, little toddlers and young children, knowing that each one is special to You and was known in Your heart, even before conception.
Thank You, that You have scheduled every day of each little life, and we praise and thank You for the special plans and purposes You have for every single new-born child, for all babies and infants.
We pray Your loving protection over all babies and their families and pray that many may be brought up to know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Give parents and grandparents and all those that are in any way connected with young babies, the wisdom and grace to care for them in a loving and secure environment.
Guard and protect, guide and provide for each innocent little baby and protect their the hearts and minds from a society that has grown far from the God Who created them and sent His Son to die, so that they might life. This we ask in Jesus' name,
Heavenly Father, the baby that has been growing within my womb for these many months is now in an incubator fighting for life, and I feel numb and utterly helpless.
Lord, You know the joy and excitement and also the tears and grief that we have gone through these last few weeks and months, and that our emotions are shot through with so many fluctuating feelings because of this unexpected and premature delivery. I pray that in Your pity and grace, You would touch the life of my precious little one and spare their life, and bring them through into full health and strength.
Lift the heavy burden from my heart and help me to come to terms with what has happened, and I pray that I may be able to accept that nothing happens that is not in Your permissive will. I ask that You would give me the strength, day by day, to cope with this unexpected set of circumstances.
Protect my baby from any other form of infection or illness, and may this little body be strengthened through Your mighty power with each passing day. Give the doctors and nurses the skill to do all that is needed to care for my baby, and give me the sufficient strength that only comes from You. May Your peace reside in my heart, knowing that all things work together for good to those that are called according to Your good purpose. Thank You, Father, in Jesus' name,
Heavenly Father, what joy fills my heart for the precious little baby you have seen fit to bring into our family unit. I lift up my voice of praise to You, with a grateful heart for this little life that has been entrusted to me.
Teach me to be a good and faithful mother and to take the responsibilities of motherhood seriously. Teach me also how to bring up my child to know You Lord Jesus, so that my precious little baby will grow up to accept You as their Saviour. And Lord, You Who loved to welcome the little children into your arms, open Your arms of love I pray for us, and keep us all safe from harms way, under the protection of Your wings of love.
As this little bundle of joy starts to grow and develop, give me wisdom to teach and train, to correct and to encourage. May I be both fair and wise, and combine a balance between correction and encouragement. Guide our little family unit in the ways of peace I pray, and thank You my heavenly Father for the wonderful blessing that has come from You. In Jesus' name,