O Lord God, I come to You for help and succor.
Give me grace to bear my child's affliction with patience and strength.
Bless me, O Father, and restore my child [child's name] to health.
Do not forsake us, but give us an assurance of Your loving Kingdom.
In the name of Your Holy Son Jesus Christ. Amen!
Saint Nicholas, who like the Savior,
loved children so tenderly and gave generously to those in need,
listen to us who plead for this sick child
who is so dear to our hearts.
We thank God for the great gift of our child
and we pray that He relieve this child of pain
and free him/her from suffering.
Obtain strength when he/she is weary,
hope when discouraged,
and joy when downhearted.
May the Lord, through your intercession,
restore perfect health if such be His divine will.
These favors, we beg of you through your love for all children.
St. Gerard, who, like the Savior, loved children so tenderly and by your prayers freed many from disease and even death, listen to us who are pleading for our sick child. We thank God for the great gift of our son/daughter and ask Him to restore our child to health if such be His holy will. This favour, we beg of you through your love for all children and mothers.
Heavenly Father, watch over our child, and grant that he may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Heavenly Father, the baby that has been growing within my womb for these many months is now in an incubator fighting for life, and I feel numb and utterly helpless.
Lord, You know the joy and excitement and also the tears and grief that we have gone through these last few weeks and months, and that our emotions are shot through with so many fluctuating feelings because of this unexpected and premature delivery. I pray that in Your pity and grace, You would touch the life of my precious little one and spare their life, and bring them through into full health and strength.
Lift the heavy burden from my heart and help me to come to terms with what has happened, and I pray that I may be able to accept that nothing happens that is not in Your permissive will. I ask that You would give me the strength, day by day, to cope with this unexpected set of circumstances.
Protect my baby from any other form of infection or illness, and may this little body be strengthened through Your mighty power with each passing day. Give the doctors and nurses the skill to do all that is needed to care for my baby, and give me the sufficient strength that only comes from You. May Your peace reside in my heart, knowing that all things work together for good to those that are called according to Your good purpose. Thank You, Father, in Jesus' name,
Heavenly Father, what joy fills my heart for the precious little baby you have seen fit to bring into our family unit. I lift up my voice of praise to You, with a grateful heart for this little life that has been entrusted to me.
Teach me to be a good and faithful mother and to take the responsibilities of motherhood seriously. Teach me also how to bring up my child to know You Lord Jesus, so that my precious little baby will grow up to accept You as their Saviour. And Lord, You Who loved to welcome the little children into your arms, open Your arms of love I pray for us, and keep us all safe from harms way, under the protection of Your wings of love.
As this little bundle of joy starts to grow and develop, give me wisdom to teach and train, to correct and to encourage. May I be both fair and wise, and combine a balance between correction and encouragement. Guide our little family unit in the ways of peace I pray, and thank You my heavenly Father for the wonderful blessing that has come from You. In Jesus' name,
Great Healer, every child is precious to You. We pray for the health of all Your children and their mothers. We thank You for the work being done to help so many children and mothers. Let aid distributions reach families who need it the most, and provide the resources to help even more little ones. Heal and strengthen their tiny bodies so they may one day experience fullness of life.
Great Shepherd, You know how much babies need their mothers. Be with pregnant women everywhere as they prepare to give birth. Strengthen their bodies and protect them from life-threatening diseases. Give them a safe delivery and a healthy baby.