May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the eternal love of our Father come down upon us today. May we be blessed and guided as we follow a Christian path in life. May each thing we learn here today help us to grow and learn as Christians so that we may bring your light, O Lord, to the world. Amen.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for all of the amazing things that you have done for us today. Thank you for making it possible for all of us to gather together. Thank you for revealing your love and truth in you. We are blessed to be able to gather together and read your words. Sow your words in our hearts today so that they may grow and blossom. Help your words to take root so that we can follow your path in life. As we learn more of your teachings, walk with us and help us to live in your unending love. For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, now and forever. Amen.
Lord, thank you for giving us all the time and good health we need to gather here today. Thank you for giving us a chance to open our hearts and minds to your word. Thank you for guiding us through the darkness and toward your everlasting life. Grant us the wisdom we need to understand your teachings and to put them into practice. Amen.
In modern life, finding time to hear your word is rarely easy. Far too often, we forget the spiritual side of life in the pursuit of the material world. We thank you, Lord, for helping all of us to find the time to gather here today. Thank you for reminding each soul that we must devote ourselves to loving and knowing you. As we begin today's Bible study, guide our thoughts and minds so that we may grow closer to you. We pray that our Bible study session and every part of our lives will glorify your name. Amen.
According to Thessalonians 5:11, we should always, “Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” Through your scriptures, we can help to encourage each other as Christians and to develop our faith. As we begin today's Bible study session, guide us toward a closer knowledge of your will. Help us to grow as Christians and to put your scriptures into practice within our daily lives. Amen.
We are inspired by the message of your only son, Jesus Christ, to love one another. He gave his life so that we may be free from sin and live in your eternal kingdom. Today, we are gathered here today to learn more about you through your scriptures. We know that reading is never enough, so we ask for your guidance. Help us to understand your word so that we may put it into practice within our lives. When we leave here today, help us to be examples to the world of your love, compassion and mercy. Amen.
James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the world, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” While we gather to read and learn your scriptures, we know that just reading is not enough. As we learn of your word, plant the seeds of your teaching within our hearts. As we leave here, help those seeds to grow and bear fruit so that we may serve you through our actions as well as through our beliefs. Guide us and help us to always do good. Thank you for giving us another opportunity to grow closer to you and to serve you. Amen.
“Lord, thank you for this time you've given me to open your Word and discover who you are. Thank you that you don't leave us in the dark about who you are and what you are doing in the world, but that you have revealed yourself and your will through the Bible, your sacred words to us. Lord, I need wisdom as I read your Word. You promise us in James 1:5 that we only have to ask for wisdom to receive it. Lord, please give me your wisdom now as I approach your word. Help me discern the truth of this text. Help me not rely on my own understanding. Thank you God for the clarity, encouragement and hope your Word brings. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.”