Father, we thank you so much that we can all be together now to celebrate this special day with the celebrant. Thank you for this time of friendship, fun and food. Amen.
Come be with us Lord as we share this wonderful birthday meal, and may today mark the beginning of new things in the celebrant life. Amen.
Father, bless this day as we prepare and serve the food. Thank you for the ability to relax and enjoy this time with one another, and thank you for adding a year to the life of the celebrant. Amen..
God of all creation, we offer you grateful praise for the gift of life on behalf of the celebrant. Hear the heart desires of the celebrant and answer him/her exceedingly and abundantly. Amen.
Father, we understand our privilege to be here, and we pray to be a blessing to those we encounter in this place. Bless our conversation, and may we honour you in all we do and also bless the celebrant in abundance for this eyes catching a meal.
Father, as we sit here today preparing to eat this food, we thank you for the gift of life and that we can gather around to celebrate with our dear friend. Bless him/her Lord Jesus, and stir his/her heart to remember you in all he/she does. Amen.
Father, bless this food and grant that all who eat it may be strong in body and may the celebrant grow in your love, goodness and favour. Amen.
Lord, we thank you for the gift of life you've given to us all, and especially the celebrant, please help him/her use this gift of life to your glory. Guide our mealtime conversations and steer our hearts to your purpose for our lives. Amen.