Lord, in this time of great need we plead for your mercy for those who suffer the effects of Typhoon Haiyan. Today, many people are afraid, fearing for their lives, fearing their loved ones are among the dead and fearing for their future safety. Those who are injured and ill cry for relief. Comfort them and give them hope. Console their hearts and ease their pain.
Lord, help us to help them, to know what to do and to have the compassion, fortitude and creativity to do it. Move us to respond now to the urgent needs that cannot wait. Steady us to be there in the future as the victims of this disaster rebuild. Give us the grace of generosity—in our prayers and our contributions.
We are all brothers and sisters: we are the work of your hands. Receive the dead into your love. Comfort the survivors with the power and protection of your peace. May we love as you love, and may we all find peace in this tumultuous world. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
God, you are our comfort and strength
in times of sudden disaster, crisis, or chaos.
Surround us now with your grace and peace
through storm or earthquake, fire or flood.
By your Spirit, lift up those who have fallen,
sustain those who work to rescue or rebuild,
and fill us with the hope of your new creation;
through Jesus Christ.
God of hope and mercy, we lift up to you all victims of natural disasters and those responding with assistance and aid. Protect all who are in any form of danger; provide practical help to those in need; strengthen the weary, console the grieving, heal the suffering; and bless those engaged in disaster relief efforts with safety and courage. Help all people of good will respond with compassion and generous hearts. Amen.
Lord God,
There is nothing natural about a disaster, because You supernaturally control the world and everything in it. You made the world; You created us. With one breath, you can destroy or give life. But You are also a God of grace, mercy, and love. In times like this, Lord, we admit our helplessness. We don't know what to do, but our eyes are on You. Help us to provide solutions, not blame. Lord, we desperately need You.
During actual storms, when the floods try to overtake us or when we're holding on to escape the rising waters, Lord hear our cry. When the winds howl around us and threaten to shred our hopes and steal our lifelong dreams, God help us! Send Your heavenly angels to protect us and our loved ones, and provide lifelines from earth angels to keep us safe. Speak peace to the wind and the waves, and still our own souls so we can hear Your sweet whispers of love. When the hot fires of death encircle us or those we love, shower us with Your life-giving water and extinguish the hungry flames with Your words or Your touch.
Bless those who lay down their lives for others, for there is no greater love than this. Mend broken lives from heart-rending catastrophes, and pour mercy and grace into hurting hearts. Make Your presence known in amazing and surprising ways as You often do when Your people cry out for intervention. Multiply both the efforts of responders and helpers and the material resources needed for life-giving sustenance—just as You did in Bible times when You fed the multitudes with five loaves and two fish. Thank You for those who mirror Your character in their selfless efforts to help.
Turn the hands of storms destined for destruction. Wrap Your people in a blanket of protection and love who remain in the path, and give safe passage to those who are fleeing the disaster before it hits. As Jehovah-Jireh, You are the only One who can provide what we need. When insurance won't cover, and human resources for survival or rebuilding look dim, Lord open the hearts of the Body of Christ. Replace selfishness with sacrifice. Cross barriers of all kinds so all may have a chance to know You. In Your Word You have promised that You provide for us so that we can all give something to others who need encouragement, hope, or practical help. Show us how to use our God-given gifts to bless others in desperate need.
Breathe life into hopeless situations, and give courage to those on the brink of giving up. To those already grieving from loss, provide comfort as only You can. Protect victims from those who would take advantage of their situation. Turn away evil, and cancel the plans of the enemy who wants to cause havoc and destroy faith.
Lord, when we don't understand, help us to cling to You anyway. Teach us what You want us to know in these kind of situations. Enlarge our love and trust in You, and show us any lessons we can learn that will help us now and in the future. Give us wisdom to discern truth and reject lies. When answers seem slow or we feel like You don't hear, remind us of Your track record of faithfulness, Lord. Strengthen our faith, and forgive us for doubting or turning from You in the past in any way. Help us to trust You to bring good out of disaster. Keep drawing people together, helping them to look upward and forward. Turn regrets into gratitude, and cause us to see Your purposes in all things.
Lord, as we sort through the wreckage of disaster, present or future, may our confession always be:
Though the hurricanes blow and the angry storms surge; though the fires ravage and the floods rise; though our homes collapse and loved ones are gone; though the crops are destroyed and food is scarce; though the power fails, and the drought remains; though our resources are depleted, and all hope seems gone—Yet still, we will trust in You, Lord. For You are Our Life; You are our Rock; You are our Refuge; You are Our Hope. Without You we are nothing, and without You we have nothing. You are still the God of miracles, and You still love the world. So, once again, we turn our eyes to You and pray, and wait, and trust. Thank You for the promises in Your Word. Thank You that You never fail us and that You never leave us—alone.
In Jesus's precious name,
Loving God, we come to you trusting in your mercy and knowing that your steadfast love lasts forever. Look with mercy on those who harmed or displaced by floodwaters and storm damage on the Gulf Coast, in the Caribbean, ow Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas.
We offer prayers for those affected by the earthquake in Mexico. And we lift up all those impacted by high temperatures and fires in the West.
Give all victims of these disasters your strength to meet the challenges of the days, weeks and months ahead. May they feel your peace, which surpasses all understanding. May they feel renewed hope for restoration and rebuilding.
Move in those who are able to give aid, that we may be your heart and hands on Earth. Be with all who offer assistance; may your Spirit uphold them.
You have made water a sign of cleansing and rebirth in you, earthquake a sign of your power, and fire a symbol of your Spirit. So grant us vision to see new life on the other side of disasters.
Help us to find ways to praise you even in the midst of disasters. Through Jesus Christ, your dear Son. Amen
Father, please extend Your mercy and grace to the victims of these natural disasters. Comfort these persons and protect them. Please continue to provide food, clothing, shelter and employment for them. Continue to touch the heart of our nation and world to give. Holy Spirit, touch the hearts of local, state, and federal government officials to properly rebuild the levees, dams and drainage systems within the communities of our nation. Protect the firefighters, public service workers and volunteers who are serving and let Your everlasting love be felt overwhelmingly by the people. Lord, help the body of Christ to demonstrate Jesus' love through acts of giving and compassion. Lord, we ask You to send Your laborers to share Your Gospel and to gather Your harvest.
Father, forgive us for being insensitive to the needs of those persons who have been affected by these natural disasters. Forgive those persons who do not acknowledge You as the only true and living God. Forgive them for all acts of sinfulness. Lord, help them to forgive. Lord, please have mercy!
Lord, lead them not to temptation; but deliver them from the evil one.
Lord, You are the King of glory. You are the Lord, strong and mighty. You are the Lord, invincible in battle. The earth is Yours and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to You. You are worthy, Lord our God, to receive glory, and honor and power. You created all things, and they exist because You created what You pleased. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Loving Father, you are our shelter and our hope. We come to you with hearts full of trust in your love and mercy.
We pray for the victims of calamity. May those who have lost homes and properties find shelter, enough food and clean water. Comfort those who are traumatized and those who are grieving for the loss of their families, neighbors and friends. Bless those who are sick and those who are injured that their health may be restored and their wounds cured. May you lead all who are stranded or lost back to those who love them. Guide the hands of the rescuers, the doctors and nurses and other volunteers and give them strength as they serve others with joy.
May this calamity bring people closer together, to help each other and to care for the environment. Give us the faith, the hope and the love to carry on. This we ask through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Father, we pray that the victims of natural disasters can be comforted. Let your peace that transcends all reason may wipe out their fear and make them rely on Your help only.