Heavenly Father, we thank You for the opportunity to gather here in fellowship with other believers. Lord, we ask that You grant us the blessing of a safe, fruitful event. Let our discussions be wholesome, and may our spirits be lifted because of the friendships we share. May we honor You with hearts of obedience and words that are full of truth and love. Please bless this group and keep us safe in Your loving arms. We pray this in Your Son's name. Amen.
Lord, as we assemble together in the name of Christ, we ask that You help this time to be fruitful for all those involved. Let this be a time in which Jesus is exalted and the Scriptures are upheld as divine truth. Let Your wisdom penetrate each of our hearts so that we might walk away with a greater insight or understanding of the things You have revealed. Grant that we may be fruitful in all of the ministries that we pursue. We thank You, Savior. Amen.
Dear Jesus, we are here as one body in order to come to a consensus. Please guide this meeting and let it be conducted according to Your Word. Let each one of us have a heart that is sensitive to the truth and eager for holiness. We ask that You might bless us that we might find the answers we seek, and let Your Spirit guide the process. We submit to Your will for us, Lord Jesus. Amen.
God of All the Earth, as Your saints gather under threat of persecution, we trust in You for guidance and protection. Help us to find encouragement in Your Word, and to be edified by fellowship with one another. Grant us to be bold in the face of danger, and to have the full conviction to uphold the truth. May our lives be instruments in Your hands to proclaim the gospel and do good works. We worship You and trust in Your plan for us. Amen.
Faithful Creator, we gather to seek Your wisdom in filling a vacancy in our leadership. Please guide us as we humbly discern Your will. Help us to consider all the facts, and to weight all of our impressions against the truth of Scripture. We ask that You grant us guidance in this process and that You would bless us with a Godly leader that will minister faithfully and carry out Your will. Amen.
Omnipotent One, please bless this assembly and all its members. Thank You for allowing us to meet during this time of crisis. We trust that You are good and wise, and even the present circumstances are not outside of Your sovereign plan. Please bless us today and help us to have a biblical outlook on our present circumstances. Grant that we would be wise and respond well to the choices that we will face. We thank You, Lord, for Your wise counsel. Amen.
Righteous Lawgiver, our fellowship gathers to stand up for Your truth. We trust in You and believe Your Word. Please grant that we each would have the courage to speak up with boldness when we have the opportunity. Let our witness to the world be biblical and evangelistic. Help us to speak the truth, with love, and may we point sinners to the forgiveness that they may attain by faith in Christ. We pray in His holy name. Amen.
God, our Father, we gather together because You have made us one body, which is knit together as one by the Holy Spirit. May our unity be preserved and made stronger because of our common faith in the risen Savior. Help us to be forgiving to one another, to be teachable, and to desire the good of the congregation. Grant that Scripture would have the final word and help us each to rightly discern the truth from error. We pray for Your wisdom, in Jesus's name. Amen.