Heavenly Father, how it must grieve Your Holy Spirit that we have caused such barriers and divisions to be established within the body of Christ and yet it was His prayer that we are one in unity of spirit, one in the bond of peace, one in fellowship and love towards all those that are called by Your name.
Forgive us of our unbiblical prejudices and un-Christian principles. Forgive me of my own biases and unloving attitude that I have towards other believers that do not conform completely to my own developed perspective of what a Christian should be. Forgive me for being too quick to criticise other brothers and sisters in Christ, and for being too ready to declare our differences and denounce them as unfit for fellowship, rather than seeking to discover our similarities in Christ, and rejoicing that our citizenship is in heaven.
Help me Lord, to love others as You have loved me.–To love without prejudice or bias. Help me to be ready and willing to love the unlovable and to consent to be loved by others I would likely dismiss.
Bind Your people together in love, in the unity of sprit and the bond of peace. Guide us all into all truth, knowing that You are no respecter of persons, and that all who trust in Your sacrifice at Calvary are forgiven sinners, citizens of heaven and accepted by the Father, in the Beloved. In Jesus' name,
Heavenly Father, thank You for calling each of us to serve Your Kingdom through this wonderful church. Thank You for using our individual gifts and talents, to manifest Your Kingdom here on earth as it already is in heaven. Lord, we are thankful for the freedom to worship You, our God.
Thank You for Your bountiful blessings. Thank You for increasing Your presence, power, anointing, and abundance in our Church Family. You are great and greatly to be praised. You are to be feared above all gods. The earth is Yours and everything in it, the world and all its people belong to You. You laid the earth's foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths.
Lord, no pagan god is like You. None can do what You do. Loving Father, we declare that we will love You with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength. As a Church Family, we confess that we will love one another, as ourselves. As Your children, we proclaim that we have all put on Christ, like putting on new clothes and we will walk in unity and love with one another.
It is because of this love that we exhibit for each other that people will know that we are Your disciples. Your Word tells us that if we love You, we must also love our Christian brothers and sisters, too. Therefore, we declare that we will not look out only for our own interests, but we take an interest in each other's needs. We declare that we will live in harmony with each other and resist division. We will be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.
We declare that as a Church Family we will turn away from evil, and do good, we will search for peace and work to maintain it. We will encourage and build each other up. Above all things, we will put on love, which is the bond of perfection. In Jesus' name,
Lord, give us that unity, that absorption, that resolution to put away anything that hinders. Let our thoughts, our actions and our intentions be unified to glorify You. In Jesus' name,
Dear Father God, I pray that You will help every member of the Church to live in harmony with each other. May we be united in love and enable us to pray with the mind of Christ, to be guided by the Spirit of God and to glorify You with heart and voice. Keep us from worldly ways, but rather may our lives be a witness of Your love, not only in what we say but in all that we do. I ask this for the sake of Jesus Christ my Lord,
Loving Father, thank You that we are Your children and have become joint-heirs with Christ Jesus, simply because we believed on His holy name.
Be with the Church Lord, for we have become united with You and are now all members of Your body. Lord, I pray that the Church of God may become one in unity with Christ and with each other, just as You Lord are in loving fellowship with the Father.
May we hold to the things of this world lightly, knowing that our citizenship is in heaven. Keep us from hankering after the things of this world, but rather may we find our peace and joy and rest in You alone.
Give each member a loving thankful heart and one that lives in willing submission to each other, and to You. Sanctify Your Body I pray, and wash each one of us clean with the water of the Word of God day by day, so that we may one day be presented to the Father without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. Help us Lord, to live out our lives in a way that is pleasing to You. In in Jesus' name,
Lord, the Church has lost its way as it is seeking strategies to build denomination bridges and interfaith uniformity, at the expense of growing in true godly unity, and developing a Oneness in the Body of Christ, which reflects the unity between God Father and His beloved Son, the precious oneness You so desired in the Church, which is His body.
Forgive us Lord, for the lack of Christian unity and the lack of love we have towards our brothers and sisters in Christ. Forgive us that the visible church seems to have lost its witness to Christ and has compromised the truth of the gospel of grace for a social agenda to make the world into a kingdom of peace, without the Price of Peace at the helm.
Build up Your people O God, into a sanctified body, a fellowship of believers, a people set apart from the world to serve You in newness of life and living in gracious union one with the other. May we learn to pursue after all that leads to godliness and shed abroad in our hearts a the nature and character of love that only comes from You, so that we may become channels through whom the love of Christ flows to others in need.
Teach us to love each other as You loved us, and help us to grow in grace and in a godly unity, as directed by the Holy Spirit, unto our lives end. In Jesus' name we pray,
Lord, give us that unity, that absorption, that resolution to put away anything that hinders. Let our thoughts, our actions and our intentions be unified to glorify You. In Jesus' name,
Dear Lord Jesus, You are our Prince of Peace and You prayed for unity in the body of Christ, that we may be united in love just as You are united with the Father in love.
Give Your children the desire to love one another as You have loved us, and let the world know that we are Your disciples by our love for one another.
Give us a hunger to live in union with each another, and may we be united as one, in the bond of peace and fellowship, in the Spirit. This we ask in Jesus' name,