Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: "Praise be to the divine Heart that wrought our salvation; to it be glory and honor for ever." Amen.
O Spirit of God, warm our hearts with the love of God and of Christ that we might be awakened to our opportunity to give our best to worship and serve you today and everyday. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, I consecrate myself today anew and without reserve to your divine Heart. I consecrate to you my body with all its senses, my soul with all its faculties, my entire being. I consecrate to you all my thoughts, words and deeds, all my sufferings and labors, all my hopes, consolations and joys. In particular I consecrate to you this poor heart of mine so that it may love only you and may be consumed as a victim in the fire of your love.
I place my trust in you without reserve and I hope for the remission of my sins through your infinite mercy. I place within your hands all my cares and anxieties. I promise to love you and to honor you till the last moment of my life, and to spread, as much as I can, devotion to your most Sacred Heart.
Do with me what you will, my Jesus. I deserve no other reward except your greater glory and your holy love. Take this offering of myself and give me a place within your divine Heart forever. Amen.
Father, I pray the Prayer of Dedication, Consecration, and
Submission. In every area of my life, I belong to You. Father, I'll
go where you want me to go, I'll do what you want me to do. Not
my will, but your will be done. Thank you, Father that you work in
me both to will and to do of your good pleasure. You have a good
plan for my life, a plan of peace and joy.
Father, what you want and what you desire is what I want; that is
what I desire. Not my will, but your will for my life every day,
Father. Not my own way, not the way of the flesh, but the way of
the Spirit. Father, your will, your plan, your way.
Father, I dedicate my life to you in every area. You have a plan for
me in every area of life. Thank you, Father, for the joy of
obedience. I will obey you with joy. Father, I want to have the
spirit of obedience in my life, not rebellion or pride, not resistance
or hard-heartedness, but a soft, sensitive heart that is willing to do
I rebuke rebellion and stubbornness in Jesus' Name. Father, I say
before your presence that I am willing to do anything you want me
to do. No matter what man says, no matter what the world says,
you have found a willing person. You have found an obedient
Father, I will do what you say all the way, just the way you say it,
no more and no less, and with joy. Thank you, Father, for the
spirit of faith and the spirit of obedience. And Father, thank you
that your will will be fulfilled in my life to your glory. In Jesus'
Name, Amen.
My Father in Heaven,
I thank you for introducing Holy Ghost School to me.
I am very much interested in it and I want to start at once.
I have therefore set apart this period of time, to be my Covenant Time with you.
At this time everyday, I will be in Your presence to eat at Your table and to receive life from You.
I will separate myself to Your presence for You to feed me and give me Your water of life,
which flows freely in Your presence and which, if I drink I shall thirst no more.
Please give me the grace not to allow anything to hinder me from coming to You at this time everyday.
As I come to Your presence, please begin to teach me the ways of life. Teach me the ways of God and the way I should go. Teach me all things I need to know in this life and give me the grace to follow and to obey You, as You teach and direct me daily.
Yes Lord, I want You to become my personal Teacher from now on, so that I don't have to run
about any more, as I used to do, seeking help of men. From today, You shall be my Teacher and Help in time of need.
As I come to your presence, I want You to feed me, to cleanse me and purify me, and to beautify my life,
so that I shall become a Bride of Christ indeed, made perfect and ready for the marriage of the Lamb. Change my spiritual garments, Lord and give me a brand new life. Bring me into a wonderful, close and intimate personal relationship with you, such that nothing can separate us any more. Reveal Your will also to me, that I may walk therein, by Your grace alone.
I hereby surrender my life, my entire life, my will, my ways, my all, to You. Take over my life, and make me exactly what You want me to become. I don't want to please anybody anymore. I want to please You alone, henceforth, I don't want to follow my own ways, or any other ways, any more. I want to follow Your ways henceforth. Yes Lord, I want to follow Your narrow way, which alone leads to life eternal.
My Father, I want to begin receiving directly from You, by way of revelations and dreams and Your clear voice. As Your messages come, I look up to You to also give me the understanding and the interpretations.
Thank You, my Lord, and please give me the grace to keep this Covenant Time, faithfully and not to allow things distract me. This is a covenant between You and me, a covenant of life and peace and joy for me, and for my loved ones. I can keep it only by Your help alone.
Also give me the grace to be humble and teachable. And help me never to think that I have known anything at all, lest I become proud and you reject me. Holy Spirit, my Teacher, I desire the school to start at once, as I now submit my life and my all to you.
Thank You, Lord God Almighty, in Jesus' name. Amen.
God of grace, I am thankful that I can count on your unchanging ways. You are always loving, merciful, and full of grace. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for consistently being in my midst when I struggle. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.
Father, I thank you for the works of your hands and because you never stop blessing me. God, I know that I'm weak and I don't have the power of my own to be consistent in serving you, in doing well to others because challenges will come that may want to derail me or make me lack consistency so I ask you Lord to help me to be consistent.
Lord, in doing good continuously or in serving you continuously there is always a blessing attached. I want to be blessed Lord, help me to serve you continuously. Amen.
Lord I pray that we your people get back to praying without ceasing, praying believing and praying to do your will and not our own praying expecting a miracle. Lord I also pray that who ever read this blog who is struggling with praying, that you encourage them and walk with them and I pray that if someone who reads this doesn't have a relationship with you, that they ask you to forgive them of their sins and confess with their mouth that you are Lord and believe in their heart that God raised you from the dead and that they be saved in Jesus name I pray Amen.