Lord our God, our Father in heaven and on earth, we ask you to bless us, your children, for we want to be your children and nothing else. We want to have our joy and delight in knowing that we belong to you, the almighty God, who began and who will complete redemption on earth through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Bless your Word in us. Give us courage in suffering and distress, for we are allowed to serve you in all circumstances, even when we find it bitterly hard. Your name shall be honored in us, your kingdom shall come. As surely as the earth endures, everything shall happen in accordance with your will, on earth as in heaven. Amen.
Dear Lord,
This daylight, upon waking and getting ready for my day, I pray that you give me strength today, to be strong for You in this world full of temptations.
Lord, You know that there are struggles I will go through today. I pray that you be with me as I go through them. Carry me when I am too weak. If I stumble into temptation, forgive me Father. Lead me away from them, Father. I need Your strength to overcome these evils.
When I triumph against them, I praise you, Father. For without You, I will not be where I am and I will not have the strength I have. Bless my loved ones with the strength You have given me, Lord. You are worthy of all praises and the entire honor in the world. You are my strength and my protection.
Keep me and my family safe at all times, Lord, especially those who are in transit during this morning.
In Your Son Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.
Almighty God, you fill all things with your presence.In your great love, keep us near you this day. Grant that in all our ways and doings we may remember that you see us, and may always have grace to know and perceive what things you would have us do, and give us strength to do the same; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Morning prayers can refresh and recharge your soul as you get ready to take on the day with help from the best place possible: Our Creator. We should treat morning prayers like prayer itself, as a time to get closer to God by expressing our love for Him, thanking Him for His blessings and offering Him everything good and bad in our day in doing His will. Begin your day with this prayer for the morning:
Dear Lord, You have brought me to the beginning of a new day. As the world is renewed fresh and clean, so I ask You to renew my heart with Your strength and purpose. Forgive me the errors of yesterday and bless me to walk closer in Your way today. This is the day I begin my life anew; shine through me so that every person I meet may feel Your presence in me. Take my hand, precious Lord for I cannot make it by myself. Amen.
One of the Bible's greatest truths is that God wants to guide us. He loves us and because He loves us, He wants what is best for us and is willing to show it to us. As your day progresses, it can be difficult to identify these blessings. Begin your day with this morning prayer for guidance:
Dear Lord, I don't know who or what will cross my path today. But I do know that You are my rock and my fortress. You are my shield and my strong tower. Help me to anchor myself to You today. Teach me how to stand strong in You and choose only Your way today. Help me walk by Your truth and not my feelings. Help me to embrace anything that comes my way as an opportunity to see You at work and as opportunity to point others to You. Amen.
Support us, O Lord, all the day long until the shadows lengthen, the evening comes, the busy world is hushed, the fever of life is over and our work is done. Then in your mercy, grant us a safe lodging, a holy rest and peace at the last; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thank you, Lord, for your reckless love that heals the
brokenness within us, gives us the strength to live another day
and forgives us our sins.
Help us to live out your reckless love, so that through the power
of the Holy Spirit we will be able to love you, love our neighbours
and forgive other people.
We receive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and surrender our
lives to the power of the Holy Spirit to be used for your glory
alone. In Jesus' mighty name we pray. Amen.
Immaculate Mary, most Holy Mother of God and of Our Lord and SavioUr Jesus Christ, we the people of the United States of America at this historic moment stand before you in a humbled condition of love, loyalty, affection, and thankfulness. To your Immaculate Heart we recommit and dedicate ourselves throughout the entire American nation. To your Son Jesus Christ we pledge to serve His teaching, His church, and to work for His kingdom on earth. O Mary, to you do we flee for protection.
Surround the American family with your maternal care; enfold us in your arms. Give to this American land, built on the blood and tears of so many faithful forebears, a peaceful and praiseworthy existence in truth, love, justice, and freedom.
O Mary, we submit to you as the Patroness of our beloved country. O Mary, Help of Christians, enfold the Holy Father and the Catholic Church within your protective cloak; be our shield in the days ahead. Give to the Church true holiness and freedom. Obtain for our leaders holy zeal, the ability to face the truth, and the courage to correct all abuses. Stop the flood of atheism, greed, heresy, impurity, lukewarmness, materialism, and selfishness that threaten our nation. Show to those who have strayed from the Church the way to Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Mother of God, accept our personal consecration to you and, through you, bind us forever to the Holy Trinity. Gather us all into your Immaculate Heart and unite us forever with Jesus. O Mary, we love you.
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