Father, thank You that even when all others leave and abandon me, You remain.
Thank You that even when the ones I thought would be around forever choose to go, I can trust that you will stand with me.
Father, I come to You with my cares and my worries concerning this trial I am facing.
Would You remind me that I am not alone? Would You tell me that you care about this and its outcome?
Father, I thank You for standing with me, and I receive your strength to stand another day.
Thank you that I can trust you to rescue me from this and every trial I will face in this life. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I am tired, and I am worn. I feel pressure from all of these circumstances surrounding me, but I thank You that I am not, and they will not crush me.
I am unsure of how this can or will work out for my good, but I say no to discouragement and despair in Jesus' name.
I feel like everything, and everyone is coming against me but Father, I thank you that I never stand alone. Thank you for being with me through it all, both as my friend and as my advocate.
Thank you for picking me up every time life, and its hard times knock me down. I will rest in You and Your finished work at the cross. Amen.
Father, I come to you worn and weary from the hard times I have walked through recently. I come to you seeking your shelter where I know I can find security and rest in your shadow.
Father, you are mighty. I know my circumstances are no match for Your great power. Thank You that You are my safe place.
Thank You that I am always welcome beneath Your wings. Thank You for being a fortress I can trust.
Father, I know you can save me from these trials. I will wait patiently for You to help me work things out for my good.
You have always been faithful to me. I will rest in Your faithfulness. Amen.
Thank You, Holy Spirit for being my helper. Thank You for coming alongside me and being a comfort, advocate, and intercessor. I thank You for being my counselor and for strengthening me. Jesus, I receive your peace.
I admit that my heart has been troubled, and I have allowed fear to make my decisions.
I repent of that, and I am choosing to rest in You and to allow Your peace to calm me in my current circumstances and to strengthen me with the courage to face these challenges with Your Spirit by my side. Amen.
Let us lament with all those who are touched by gun violence
Let us lament the shooter's choice for violence
Let us lament laws that allow violent men easy access to guns
Let us lament our politicians' unwillingness to work for change
Let us lament with the hearts broken by loss today
Let us lament all the lives cut short today
Let us lament, O God, and then let us rise from our knees to work for change
In the name of Christ, the prince of peace. Amen.
Most Holy God, in your word we read so many stories about the ones you have protected as they left home in search of a better life. Your servant Ruth said, “Your people will be my people, your God, my God.” You loved her and found a place for her in Israel. Scripture inspires us to strive for greater hospitality to the poor, the weak and strangers.
You have blessed us with dreamers who arrived here as children and today seek a way to make their contribution to our common life. We pray for them now. We pray that they will be allowed to work, study and live in safety. We pray that those in authority may turn away from the demons of prejudice, fear and scarcity, that they will set their hearts on acts of mercy. We pray that you will give us vision and inspire our concrete actions as we seek to realize our goal of liberty and justice for all.
May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.
O God, the source of all health: So fill my heart with faith in your love, that with calm expectancy I may make room for your power to possess me, and gracefully accept your healing; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, by your patience in suffering you hallowed earthly pain and gave us the example of obedience to your Father' will: Be near me in my time of weakness and pain; sustain me by your grace, that my strength and courage may not fail; heal me according to you will; and help me always to believe that what happens to me here is of little account if you hold me in eternal life, my Lord and my God. Amen.
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