Good and gracious God,
Our most glorious Creator,
As we greet the signs in nature around us:
Of Spring once again regaling us in bloom,
In the songs of returning birds and fields soon to be planted,
We give you praise for an even greater sign of new life: the resurrection of your Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ, that we especially celebrate at this time.
The sadness and despair of his death has given way to the bright promise of immortality.
For the Resurrection is our guarantee that justice will triumph over treason, Light will overcome darkness, and love will conquer death.
As we celebrate, we also dare to ask for your grace that we may live the promise given to us,
By imitating the life of Jesus in reaching out to the poor, the marginalized, the least among us,
As we strive to be neighbor to all those we meet,
We ask your special blessings each and every day on our President.
Working with him may we strive to make this great country of ours a beacon of hope and justice in a world hungry for peace and so in need of your love.
We praise you in this Easter season. Change our lives, change our hearts to be messengers of Easter joy and hope.
We make our prayer through Jesus Christ, our risen Lord forever.
As the world sings triumphant cries to heaven over death that you conquered, help us, Lord, tomorrow as well, when the dresses are put away and the candy is all eaten and on with life we go let us not forget.
The celebration of your resurrection over death is a celebration of life that should continue well beyond the sunrise service and the music, rehearsed for days prior; it is beyond the sign of spring, beyond the lily, beyond new lambs grazing in open fields.
Resurrection is a daily celebration over fear; man's greatest and most powerful enemy. Fear of tomorrow, fear of our yesterdays, fear of what shall become of our young our old our unborn. Resurrection is replacing fear with physical action.
This alone, the most touching and profound of your signs that fear is dead and belief in you brings, not just hope but life.
What better living parable could You have brought? All fear death. All. Even in the garden, You took on our fear if for only moments, it was as real as our fears can be real and You knew then that this single enemy must be destroyed.
And, You sacrificed your life, leaving those who had been comfort, and follower; You left them behind, to conquer fear.
I shall cling to this now, and the tomorrows given me.
Peace and thanksgiving lifted unto you.
May the glory
and the promise
of this joyous time of year
bring peace
and happiness to you
and those you hold most dear.
And may Christ,
Our Risen Savior,
always be there by your side
to bless you
most abundantly
and be your loving guide.
Dear Lord, in the same way that You died to sin once and for all and rose, we too can count ourselves dead to sin but alive in You.
In this Easter period, we reflect on the fact that You, Lord, took Your last breath so that You could resurrect, to ensure that death no longer had mastery over You.
We thank You that the death Christ died, He died to sin once for all, but the life He lives, He lives to God.
We bless You that this freedom from death and sin has been shared with us, Amen.
Dear Lord, we thank You for sending Your Son so that He could be the resurrection and the life.
It is through Him and our faith in Him that we can live with the promise of everlasting life.
We bless you, knowing that if we live and believe in You, we shall never die.
Father, we do not take this for granted; instead, we choose to celebrate the resurrection and life during this Easter period.
Father, we thank You. Amen.
Dear Father, Easter is a time for us to appreciate the moment that the stone was rolled away from the tomb and the body of the Lord Jesus was not found.
Lord, we celebrate the moment that You overcame death so that we could be free from sin through Your divine grace.
Lord, thank You for Your death, life, and resurrection power. We love you, Lord. Amen.
Dear Lord, we give You glory, honor, and praise! It is You who, in Your abundant and great mercy, have allowed us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Thank You for giving us all the opportunity to be reborn, spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for Your divine purpose.
We bless you, Father, for the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your unconditional love.
Dear Father, it is man who killed the author of life, but it is You who raised Him from the dead!
For that, Lord, we thank You! We thank You for Your resurrection.
You are the Ever-living One who conquered death and took the keys of Hell.
It is because of You that we may be saved and have everlasting life.
So, we give honor to You, Father, because it is You who lives and was dead, and behold, You are alive forevermore.
We praise You, Lord.
Dear Lord, the old within us has gone, and the new is here!
Thank You for rescuing us from the dominion of darkness and bringing us into Your kingdom through Your Son, who offers redemption and forgiveness of sins.
We celebrate not only the victory over death on behalf of Your son but also the chance of everlasting life that we all now have; we thank You, Father.
Lord God,
You loved this world so much that you gave your one and only Son, that we might be called your children too. Lord, help us to live in the gladness and grace of Easter Sunday, everyday. Let us have hearts of thankfulness for your sacrifice. Let us have eyes that look upon your grace and rejoice in our salvation. Help us to walk in that mighty grace and tell your good news to the world. All for your glory do we pray, Lord, Amen.
O Lord, open our lips
and our mouth shall proclaim your praise.
In your resurrection, O Christ,
let heaven and earth rejoice. Alleluia.
Lord, the resurrection of Your Son has given us new life and renewed hope. Help us to live as new people in pursuit of the Christian ideal. Grant us wisdom to know what we must do, the will to want to do it, the courage to undertake it, the perseverance to continue to do it, and the strength to complete it.
Almighty God, who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life: Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the day of the Lord's resurrection, may be raised from the death of sin by your life-giving Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.