O Lord, you are the author of my life. Thank you for all you have given me, taught me, and shaped in me so far. I give you this next chapter and ask you would lead me through it. Lord, my prayer is that you would come and open up new job opportunities. Please stretch my mind and enlarge my heart. I give myself into your loving hands and trust that as I push out into different areas that you would open the right doors for me. Fill me with hope and confidence as I go for job interviews and walk into new places. Thank you that I always carry within me your life, your truth, your hope and your love. May those around me encounter something of you in all I do. Amen.
Heavenly Father, still my troubled heart and mind. Help me to forget my anxieties so that I may have a clear mind as I apply for jobs. Grant others the wisdom they need in deciding on the right candidate. I ask for your blessings as I seek out interviews and new positions. Thank you for guiding me in every day of my life. Amen.
I give you all of my fears and anxieties. I release my fears to you as I place my trust in your plan. As I work toward finding a job opportunity, guide me in all that I do. Amen.
You have promised that when I seek you in my heart, I will find you. I seek your guidance now to still my troubled heart. I have tried so hard to get an interview, but no job opportunities have appeared. Calm my mind and help me to find hope to continue my job search. Help me to follow your plan and give me the wisdom I need to discover the right opportunities.
Thank you, Lord, for granting my prayers. As I begin a new position, guide me with your light and illuminate the path ahead of me. Help me to put my skills and abilities to work so that I can be the best employee that I can be. Fill my heart with your unending joy and be my constant companion. Amen.
Lord, you are my vision. Breathe your life into me today as I search for anew horizon. I face challenges in getting an interview, but I turn to you as my refuge. You are my rock and my truth, so I trust that you will guide me as I find a new job.
O loving Father, I know that I am not alone. Throughout my days and nights, you always watch over me. I feel your love encircling my life. As I work to find a new job opportunity, I pray that you will grant me wisdom. There are many paths ahead of me, and I cannot decide which one to turn to. Help me to find a position where I can do good in the world and serve others. Still my mind so that I can clearly see which positions are the best. Guard my heart so that I may make the right decision. Most of all, give me courage so that I may choose a new path without fear in the knowledge that you are always there to guide me. Amen.
Dear Lord, thank you for your presence and guidance in my life. I know that you walk with me every day and always hear my prayers. I ask that you guide my decisions as I look for a new job opportunity. Help to guide my mind so that I can develop the skills I have and learn new ones. Guide my movements so that I may continue to walk in all of the possibilities you have for me. Guide my heart as I look for a job opportunity that will provide for my needs while allowing me to serve others. Thank you for your presence in my life. Amen.