Dear Heavenly Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, Your Son, I pray that You empower me to defeat my enemy.
I repent of not trusting You and not walking in peace. {Now repent of any other areas of sin that come to mind and ask for forgiveness.} I ask You to empower me, to renew my mind and to cleanse me and create in me a new heart. I take authority over every seduction of Satan and his plans to destroy my life. I bind the evil works of Delilah and the Philistine stronghold. I demand the doors that have been opened to Satan's seduction, to become closed and locked. I dethrone Satan from his seated position in my life and circumstances. I ask that You empower me to fulfill every vow and commitment I have made to serve You.
I desire to be a pure vessel, fit for the Master's use. Today I choose to fight for my inheritance. I will not be like Esau and sell my birthright for a bowl of soup of fleshy desire. I will cherish my inheritance and become determined to possess all that You have promised to me.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for your Word! It is alive and full of power! It is active, operative, energizing and effective! It goes to the deepest part of my nature! (Heb 4:12) It does not return to You void, but will accomplish that which you please and purpose. (Isa 55:11)
When I pray according to your Word, my tongue becomes “like a pen of a ready writer”, writing on the tablet of my heart (Ps45:1) Lord, you actively watch over your Word to perform it (Jer 1:12) You have given your angels special charge over me to keep me in all my ways (Ps 91:11) I thank you Lord, that your angels harken to the voice of your Word on my lips (Ps 103:20,21) to do your pleasure!
Father, according to your Word, I cry out in travail and break into singing for new birth! As a widow (or from coming from a desolate place) I abound in spiritual children! My territory is enlarged as I spread abroad to the right hand and to the left to possess the nations (Isa 54:1,3) I thank you Lord, that you establish the borders, boundaries (or territory) of the widow and you keep them secure. (Pro 15:25) Thank you for the harvest of souls reserved for the widow. (Ruth 2, Deut 24:19) Your Word says that you certainly hear the cry of the widow (Ex22:23)
I do not fear, neither am I confounded or depressed. I forget the shame of my youth and I remember no more the reproach of my widowhood; for you Oh Lord, are my Maker and my Husband! (Isa 54:5,6)
I thank you that you provide for me and bless all the works of the hands of those who feed me and make sure that I am satisfied. (Deut 14:29) You defend the cause of the widow and call others to plead my case! (Deut 10:18,Ps 68:4,5 Isa 1:17) You sustain the widow! (Sustain means to heal, fortify and bolster.) Thank you for that strength in my life! Thank you that you send people around me that “make the widow's heart sing” (Job 29:13)
You have declared that pure religion (or worship) that you accept includes caring for or visiting the widow in her distress. Thank you that you place that kind of value on my life! (James 1:27)
You have commanded the church to honor the widow. This includes to prize, revere and to respect. (1Tim5:3) Lord I am humbled by your love. I thank you for the spiritual leaders you have placed over me, and that as I submit to them, they keep watch over my soul and guard my spiritual welfare. (Heb 13:17 amp) I praise you that I have a call and a purpose! That your thoughts and plans are for my welfare and peace, and not for evil; but to give me a hope in my final outcome. I praise you Lord, that when I called upon you, you heard me; and when I searched for you with all of my heart, I found you (Jer 29:11-13)
Thank you that nothing can separate me from your Love! (Rm 8:35)
Heavenly Father, we gather together and come into agreement in the wonderful and powerful Name of Jesus Christ.
Where two or more are gathered there You'll be in the midst of us and anything we agree upon as touching You will surely do.
Father in Jesus Name, there is no distance in the spirit and we thank You for the person I am praying for who desires a prayer for empowerment beyond natural strength to endure difficulties.
Father, thank You for filling them with supernatural strength through the Holy Spirit to do the tasks You've given them to do.
Yes Lord, even in the midst of all the problems, hassles, and challenges that have come against them, it is through Your power that they are able to complete the jobs You give them.
You have given them natural strength and at times, they can go quite far on that strength.
But, truth be known, You never planned on them doing life without You.
Much of their strength and resolve is due to what You have placed inside of them.
So right now, together in agreement, we acknowledge You as their strength and we ask You to continue to empower them to bring all their tasks to a victorious end.
We decree and declare that You have filled them with divine stamina to stay put until they have successfully done everything You've asked them to do.
We decree and declare that their endurance is strong and they hold their ground no matter what comes against them in Jesus Name.
Lord, You have given them their assignments because You believe that they can do it with Your help.
You have filled them with everything they need to succeed. They will finish their course with joy because of Your supernatural endurance inside of them.
The person I am praying for is strong in You. They are filled with fortitude. Yes, they will do all that You ask of them to do in Jesus Name.
We believe and receive everything we've prayed and give You glory in advance for this prayer is answered!
In the wonderful and precious Name of Jesus we pray, amen.
Father, thank You for empowering me by Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for giving me new life. I choose to let go of the past. I won't let it define me, but I will let Your truth define me and lead me into victory in Jesus' name! Amen.
O Grace of God, most Holy
Come down and dwell in me,
To sanctify me wholly,
That I may lowly be;
The Grace that filled Thee, Jesus,
Is What I ask from Thee.
The Grace that worketh in us,
Thy Life, so strong and free.
There is a Seal, both strong and sure,
Which marks the immortal heir;
And they who have it shall endure
Through every toil and care:
We hail the Spirit's inward Voice,
Earnest of perfect rest;
Which makes the trusting Soul rejoice
As those whom God hath blest. Amen
“Grace, Mercy, Peace,” unceasing,
Glad praise to God uplift,
For sure a Triune blessing
Sent down as Love's free gift:
The Father's Mercy, take it,
And Peace, through “His dear Son.”
And Grace, “His Holy Spirit,”
Eternal, Three in One. Amen.
God called us to build an evangelic ministry. Our vision is to raise and equip Leaders that will transform Nations for Jesus Christ.
Our inspiration is derived from Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations
– We pray the LORD will empower each of us with the HolySpirit to fulfil His call on us and those He will add on us to raise, equip and support the ministry to transform Nations.
– We pray for God's wisdom on the GAM leadership team. We pray for divine guidance. We pray that the LORD raises other ministries with same vision to reach the Lost SOULS. The harvest is ready, more harvesters needed.
– We pray the LORD will equip each of us with resources for the gospel call. Gospel Ministry is equipped through members' support and partnership. May the LORD equip each of us with resources to support the vision to reach Nations with the gospel and raise good partnership that will not divert the ministry vision.
– We pray the LORD will empower other teams with same call to transform the Nations. We establish GAM offices in other Nations in Jesus' name. Amen.