Jesus, the Great Physician, I worship you today for you are the God who forgives all sins and heals all our diseases. Jesus, our family, has been facing attacks from the enemy in the form of sickness and disease. Your word says that by your stripes, we are healed. We come against every attack from the camp of the enemy, and we command every sickness and disease to dry up by its roots. Heal us, dear Jesus, and we shall be healed, for you are the one we praise. I pray for healing, wholeness and restoration for every member of this family. In your merciful name, we pray. Amen.
Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, you were wounded for our transgression, crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was upon you, and by your stripes, we are healed. We stand firm on your word, dear Lord, and pray that our family is healed. Sickness and diseases that have been in this family from generation to generation are not our portions. Jesus, you have set us free from all curses, and today we stand firm in that freedom as a family and start walking in divine health. No member of this family will die young. We will live to praise the glorious work of the Lord. In your powerful name. Amen.
Father, I adore you and give you thanks for creating me to be just who I am. My genes, my life conditions, my space in life and time. You created me to enjoy the fullness of life, Your life in me. I believe that You desire to make my family whole and that You have already begun to heal us in all the ways we need healing. Take away my built-in defenses. Remove all the barriers that prevent healing and my accepting fully Your love for me and my family members. I look forward to the time in which Your work will be completed and I believe that I will be an instrument of that healing for my entire family.
Jesus, I ask for the grace I need to forgive all who have ever hurt me. I ask to be representative of my family in receiving grace to pray for all who have hurt any members of my family, individually or collectively. I ask forgiveness from all whom we have hurt. Heal us of all experiences that have made us feel guilty and ashamed, that have cause us to reject ourselves and to reject one another. Heal me of ridicule and of any incidents in my life or in the lives of my family members that have made us feel unworthy or inferior.
Beloved Father and Shepherd of our souls, I come to You today with gratitude in my heart for the gift of family. I know You designed families to present a perfect picture of You and Your work. But so often, God, we are sorrowful people in shattered relationships. Sin and Satan have entered in to fracture our families and leave them in deep need.
Today, I pray for healing of family bonds. I ask you to breathe your unity throughout each family. Where hatred reigns, let love prevail. Where anger rises, let peace endure. Where selfishness chokes, let sacrifice come forth. And where bitterness poisons, let the sweet balm of your Spirit whisper truth, light, and life.
Lord, you know the deep needs of each family touched by this prayer. Some have relatives who don't know You. Some have family members who don't communicate with them anymore. Some have loved ones removed from them by death, illness, or the deceitfulness of sin.
I ask for Your grace to allow each one to stand strong amid these trials and for Your mercy to flow in and through every unique situation. Protect us from the evil one, and knit the hearts of our families together even as you knit our own hearts more closely to Yours. In Christ's holy name I pray, AMEN.
Lord, Chain-Breaker, I come bodily before your throne of grace on behalf of my family. Lord, save and heal us from this family bondage. Set us free from the bondage of failure and poverty. Grant us double for all the trouble that we have been through in the past. Let your glory fill this family that we may be able to prosper in all that we do and may those who know us testify that we serve the God of restoration. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray. Amen.
O Jehovah, my God, I come to your throne with a broken heart. My family is tearing apart. We have been hurting each other out of bitterness. Lord, forgive us. Heal each one of us and help us to forgive one another. Bind us with cords of love and give us the grace to love each other again. Uphold this family with your generous spirit and help us to rejoice always in you. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.
King of Glory, your word says that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but you deliver him from them all. Lord, you are the deliverer of this family. Deliver us from all the hardships that we are going through. Bring healing to this family and restore everything we have lost. May each one of us be filled with your love. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.