Dear God you are the giver of life and it is the most precious gift you have given to us by the death, burial and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ. But through the twisted and perverted minds of people in this world families are in crisis because of those who give little regard for that life and who take matters into their own hands.
Lord we pray you give strength to those families who are in pain, grief and sadness at the loss of their loved ones. Comfort them. Let your river of grace flood through their soul. Let your word sooth their spirit and be that balm in Gilead as they try to make sense of their loved ones being taken away in such a heartless manner.
We pray for healing in each mind. As painful as these situations are, open each heart to forgive those who have done wrong and work in and through them to demonstrate your love, mercy, and compassion.
Let the power of Christ rest and abide in each heart. May there not be a rendering of evil for evil but where evil has been done, provide an opportunity that good can come from the evil things and that you be glorified, in Jesus name amen.
It's terrible!
Things are falling apart!
Help me not to overreact.
Help us not to overreact.
Calm us down.
Help us, Lord.
I am so upset!
I am so mad!
I cannot believe what has happened.
Show me how to calm down.
Help me to act and react wisely.
Guide my thoughts, Lord.
Help me to calm my emotions.
Protect me - protect us - from saying and doing things that will make this situation worse.
I know I need to keep from panicking.
I need to remember that you know how to take this mess and sort it all out.
I feel upset but I am going to calm down.
I am going to sit down and breathe slowly.
I am going to seek to hear your voice.
Help me, Lord,
Father Lord, in you I put all my hope and trust to lift my family through this crisis. You delivered Daniel from the lion's den just as you delivered David from Goliath, Lord help us overcome our adversaries.
Though we have all sinned and fallen short of your glory, Lord we ask that you look with mercy upon us, speak thy word and we shall be fit. Restore us lest eveil prevail.
Strengthen me Lord, bless my family, and manifest your blessings in us through us. Amen!
Dear Lord,
I pray for families who are encountering crisis. You know the very details of all they are experiencing, including the emotions and the thoughts arousing because of the crisis. You understand the heart of each husband and wife and why they respond to crisis situations the way they do. I pray these families would surrender themselves to you. May your Holy Spirit pour out your peace upon them and guide them through it. I pray husband's comfort their wives and that wives would support their husbands. Please help them in Jesus' name AMEN!
Lord, I am overwhelmed by my situation. I can hardly find words, but I know you understand what I am going through. Oh Father – help! I know you promise to never leave me or forsake me. Be with me now- help me know you are with me. I know you will never let your children slip and fall – hold me up! Lord, give me the strength I need today to make it through this trial. Give me hope that can only come from you. In your name I pray, Amen.