Dear God,
I am exploring options for a new place to live. Regardless of my past experiences, I am willing for this to be a smooth and joyful experience in every way. Please decide for me about where it should be, what it should look like, and how the details should unfold. Thank You for providing all of the resources, guidance, supplies, perfect timing and helpful people to ensure that I find the happiest possible place to live. I am willing to trust You and acknowledge that Your will for me is for complete and total happiness. I will know when I have found the right place to live because I will feel peaceful on every level. Thank You, in advance, for an amazing home, neighbors, and community that are far beyond my greatest expectations. I am willing to receive the richness of Your blessings and anticipate a joyful outcome in all respects. Thy will be done. Amen
I pray that my family and I find a loving home to live in. May it be filled with love for each other and for God. I pray that we find the perfect home quickly. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Glorious St. Joseph, foster-father and protector of Jesus Christ! To you do I raise my heart and hands to implore your powerful intercession. Please obtain for me from the kind Heart of Jesus the help and graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare. I ask particularly for the grace of a happy death, and the special favor I now implore (insert intention).
Guardian of the Word Incarnate, I feel animated with confidence that your prayers in my behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God.
O glorious St. Joseph, through the love you bear to Jesus Christ, and for the glory of His name,
Hear my prayers and obtain my petitions.
Glorious and good Saint Joseph,
You who knew all sorts of tribulation
To find lodging for Jesus and Mary,
Remember your concern for them,
Your errands and the closed doors
That you found while accompanying
The Baby Jesus on the way to the census,
Then into exile, and finally
Back to your country.
Even in precariousness,
You always took care of material conditions,
Expressing your love and concern,
Your faithful presence and your protection
To Jesus and Mary.
Bless my search for a house,
That the search is easy and clear;
Take special care of my contacts
With the owners of the house and
Conditions of rent (or purchase).
Let this new house be a cozy place.
A quiet place with good neighbors
And with good relationship between all.
May all who visit us,
Be received by your presence.
Bring into in our home
The love of Jesus and Mary.
Divine Mother,
Please whisper directions to where to go next.
To the place that will be a vibrational match to who I am on the inside.
Let it be a holy sanctuary, a home that is really a church.
Let it be rejuvenating and replenishing and harmonious for my spirit.
Let it be spacious and uplifting and a sweet sweet resting place for my mind, body and soul.
Let it be a bountiful well for every cell.
Let it be surrounded by beauty so breathtaking that it can't help but be transmuted into the art that is mine to create.
Let it be a place of celebration and healing for friends and family and soul family to meet.
Let there be unlimited joy and love and art and delicious food made here in bounty.
Let it remind me of unlimited possibilities and all things plenty.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for guiding us to this new home and for Your constant hand of blessing on us and on our family. We pray that Your peace and love will be poured out in great abundance on our home, and that You would be ever present with us, within its walls
Protect us we pray, from all the evil and dangers of this world and guard and guide us along the future path that You would have us take.
May Your constant love stream through the windows of our new home and into the hearts of all that live or visit here, and may the warmth of Your grace and Your perfect peace be our every present comfort in time of need.
Thank You for all Your loving-kindness and grace towards us as we dedicate this home to You, and pray that in Your grace, You would use it to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray,
Glorious and good Saint Joseph, you who have known all sorts of tribulations to find accommodation for Mary and Jesus.
Remember your concern for them, your stagecoaches and the closed doors you found. As you accompanied the Child Jesus on his way to the census, then into exile and finally back to the country.
In precariousness, you always took care of the material conditions, thus expressing your love and concern, your faithful presence and protection towards Mary and Jesus.
Watch over my diligence to find lodging, that the search is easy and clear; take special care of my relationship with the owners and lease conditions.
That this new housing is a cozy, quiet environment, with good neighbors and good relations between everyone. May all who come to my house (our house), are received by your presence. Introduce in this place the love of Jesus and Mary. Amen
St. Joseph, always given to his Holy Family, can end up consenting if each day this prayer is accompanied by an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory to the Father.
Thus, in addition to help, you will be surprised to discover a deeper friendship with St. Joseph and a greater trust in Providence. With humility and discretion, he offered his life to tirelessly seek the best refuge to protect his wife and son.
Just as Mary is our Mother who watches over us, St. Joseph wraps us up with all his paternal attention and, as a father of a family, he wants to guarantee the material balance for all his children on earth.
Here are some very simple words to address St. Joseph and touch his fatherly heart.