Oh Lord Jesus, I thank you for your infinite love and mercy upon my life. I thank you for counting me worthy of your kindness. You have shown me love and compassion despite all my wrongdoings and misgivings.
I am grateful to you lord because you have never condemned me for any of my transgressions. Oh Heavenly Father, a repentant heart is all that you require from us. A true and sincere confession is all it takes to come back to your wonderful graces and become anew.
I kneel before you today, in all honesty, to say: “I am sorry. Please forgive me, Lord.”
Oh merciful and forgiving Father, I am truly sorry that I have not been a faithful child to you. I have not been an obedient child to you. Have mercy on me lord and wipe away this feeling of guilt and shame.
Forgive me, Lord so that I can start afresh and build a new relationship with you. One without stain of sin and one where I can prove my repentance to you.
Lord Jesus, I thank you for your forgiveness. I believe your word which has made me understand that you have come to call sinners.
Today, I humbly admit that I have wronged you. I know that I am not perfect but with you by my side I can be a better person and I will have nothing to worry about.
Have mercy on me lord. Purify me and accept my repentant heart.
There are no words to express how filthy I feel every time I break Your heart. The guilt and the shame are overwhelming! Lord, I need Your touch right now. I am so sick of being “born again” and still doing the things I hate doing. Like Paul, I am conflicted. “For I do not do what I want, but do the very thing that I hate.” (Romans 7:15) I am so sorry! Father, I ask for Your forgiveness right now. I am shocked that my life has come to a point where even some sins don't affect me at all. Father, I have some hard layers on my heart that need peeling. Please give me a 100% heart of flesh. The hardness is a barrier between us that I can't stand! I love You and I am so regrettably sorry for my selfish actions. Thank You for Your forgiveness, Lord. Without forgiveness I am nothing. With Your forgiveness I am whole again. I praise Your Name! Amen
Heavenly Father, in your grace and mercy You have provided forgiveness of sins, life and salvation to all whose faith is in Your Son, Jesus Christ. Lead us from the paths of sin to repentance and humility, trusting in Your Word and promises. Bring to repentance all who reject Your Word and Your ways. Protect Your faithful and give them boldness of faith to stand up against the assaults of the devil and this evil world. Give to all believers peace in the promise of life everlasting. In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Mercy of God, lift me up above my present situations, in the name of Jesus name.
Oh Son of David, let today be the beginning of my total freedom, in the name of Jesus.
I have learned that it is dangerous to engage in any action that can provoke your anger. Therefore, I am determined to operate within the scope of your mercy. I am sorry for all my past wrong deeds, and I ask you to please forgive me. From now on, I will serve you with the integrity of my heart. I believe in your Son Jesus Christ, and I accept him as my personal Lord and Savior. Please write my name in the book of life, and let it be well with me throughout the days of my life. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Dear God, I want to go to heaven therefore; I am determined to become a born-again Christian. I confess your Son Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I believe he died for my sins and resurrected. I also believe that I can only receive forgiveness of sins through him. Therefore, I confess my sins and repent from them. I declare my total life for Jesus Christ as from today. I will serve him today, and throughout the days of my life.