God of all,
we give thanks for Christingle,
and all that it represents:
coming together; light in the darkness; and a future hope.
May the orange at the centre of each Christingle remind us
of the amazing earth you have created.
May the red ribbon remind us of your love,
wrapped around the earth.
May the cocktail sticks remind us
of the part we play in your world.
May the brightly lit candle remind us of the
light you shine into dark places.
We give thanks for the impact Christingle celebrations
have on the lives of vulnerable children,
and we ask that you help us to work together this year and always,
to ensure that no child feels alone.
God of love,
you came into our world to bring us hope:
a light in the darkness.
As Christingle approaches,
and we prepare to light the candles,
we remember that the darkness never overcomes the light.
Help us not only to remember this, but to share the light with others,
that our communities may reflect the light and love you've given us.
Lord God, light of the world,
we ask that our Christingle service will bring hope to many.
For all life and all creation, for the grace and the abundance of generosity, We thank you, Lord God. For the opportunity to witness, proclaim, invite and engage others in the Mission of Jesus, We thank you, Lord God. ... Eternal God, for all your goodness to us. Indeed, we give thanks to the Lord, who is good.
Good and gracious God,
we recognize all life is a gift and a blessing.
We thank you for your most generous love.
Encourage us to be persons of honesty and integrity,
worthy of proclaiming the Gospel,
in this sacred ministry of fundraising.
Help us to always reverence the sacred space
where our donors and our missions meet.
Give us openness to listen to the needs of our donors.
Give us joyful spirits, and an eagerness to engage others.
Give us hopeful imagination and creative vision,
recognizing generosity in even the smallest gift.
Give us strong, steadfast hearts in times of discouragement.
Give us trusting hearts, knowing that the fruits of labors
will be realized long after we are gone.
Give us faithful hearts, deeply committed to Your realm.
Let us feel Your Presence
so that we know we are never truly alone.
Remind us always that what we do
for the least of our sisters and brothers, we do for you.
We ask this in Jesus' name and in unity of the Holy Spirit.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the opportunity to be together today. We give
thanks also for all those involved in (today's) (…………….) event.
Please bless all the members who so willingly give their time and their skills to raising
funds and communicating the messages of Mothers' Union. We thank you for their
dedication, enthusiasm, and skill.
We ask you also to be with those who make decisions as to how the money raised is
to be spent; give them judgement and discernment so that the funds are used wisely
to further your Kingdom. In Jesus' name. Amen
Loving Lord, we thank you that once again you have showed us how generous you are
and give thanks for the success of our event. Help us to appreciate how blessed we
are and remember everything we have is yours and of your own do we give you. We
pray also for those that will be the recipients of projects and actions made possible by
all our efforts. Amen
Heavenly Father, we ask that you bind us into one team as we commence this
fundraising activity. We ask that Mothers' Union in Birmingham will be served to the
best of our ability. Enable us to work together with integrity and cheerfulness,
faithfully believing your word and faithfully rendering service as to the Lord and not to
men. Amen
Father in Heaven, Almighty God, teach us to trust your love and your power in all the work we
intend or offer in your name. As we plan for widening our fellowship and offering greater
financial support through ‘Mums in Brum', take away our fears of being inadequate and our
overconfidence in our own skills. May we learn to depend on your leading in the plans and the
work we offer; setting your inspiration at the centre of our vision, your presence to underpin
our efforts, and your word to guide our use of the results, as we seek to support Mothers' Union
projects across the Diocese. Ever deepen our fellowship in the joy of your presence among us.
We ask this so that we may all go on in the living awareness of the life you have given us in
Jesus Christ, and of his work in us to show His love for our community. Amen