Father, praise You for your powerful love. Beyond my understanding, You are there. When the chill of winter takes my breath away, I am reminded of the power of Your Creation. Before the icy air hits the North, You signal the birds to fly. Knowing they are too delicate to survive the harsh freeze, You beckon them South. Divorce threatens to steal my hope, but You are there waiting with Your arms open… calling me to come to Your warm embrace in exchange for the chill of worldly reason.
This Christmas is hard. I don't want to keep moving. I don't want to let go. Who was I before two became one? I'm drowning, though I sit in a chair. They will all gather around this Christmas, and wonder if I'm falling apart. They will all want to share a piece of their broken heart, but I fear mine has no room left to receive… nonetheless give. There's an emptiness in the traditions I once looked forward to. Yet, in the emptiness, I remember Jesus. Though blurred by tears of sorrow, I see my Savior. A tiny baby in a manger. And He is enough hope to hold onto.
Thank you, Father, for Your protection and blessing. For the things that I only sense in the still of the morning, but cannot always see. My heart hurts, but I know you are there. Thank you for your grace, forgiveness, and love… for new beginnings out of the ashes of old dreams, and warm memories to sweep over the darkness.
Father, you tell us that we are to confess and be forgiven. That all sins are equal in your eyes. Yet, in this world, it does not always feel that way. I confess the tendency to look around for answers before I look up to You for direction. Father, may your forgiveness wash over my heart and cleanse my soul as I let go. May I obediently follow your guidance through the pain of a marriage once full of hope, and now broken to pieces.
Bless and heal my heart, in the places that I don't even realize need attention. Pull out all bitterness, envy, malice, and strife. Soften both of our hearts as we separate what once brought us so much joy. It's hard to understand how I ended up here, and I accept that I may never truly know why. I trust you with my heart and my life. My hope is in you. Send the power of Your Spirit… Your Son… to bring the fresh hope of Christmas into my life, so I may keep moving as a witness of Your love to those placed around me. Thank you for reminding me that I am ever-loved, and never alone. In Jesus' name, amen.
Praise You for Your faithfulness. We are often unable to remain committed to the ideals of our hearts on this earth, but You are able to uphold justice and righteousness throughout time. Our minds change and shift, but you remain constant. What we fail to understand, You already know. The path we fear, You have already paved. In the scramble to rearrange our lives after divorce, You seepurpose for all of our pain clearly.
Rather than wait for us to emerge on the other side of this pain, we know that those who have surrendered hearts to Jesus are never alone. Whether we are in physical pain, enduring the torture of heartbreak, or living in the sorrowful mess we've created, You remain.
Thank You, Father, for the joys of our wedding day, and the hope that we held onto so dearly as time began to drift by. We gratefully look upon another day, but with the silent haunting wonder why marriage failed.
Time is rushing by and we are thankful, even for these broken minutes. You are capable of working miracles with fractured hours, and we praise You for assuring us that Your divine purpose for our lives has not been lost in what we see as a catastrophic end to all hope that our lives can be used for good.
God, You are good. Heaven sings of hope that springs from tragedy and loss. When we follow Jesus, we never suffer in vain. Hallelujah! There will be life again. Thank You, Jesus, for hope.
Forgive us for our part in this divorce. Where two people are joined together, their imperfections meet; for no one can boast perfection on this earth. Whether we own the mistake that sent our marriage tumbling off course, or have yet to understand why we've been abandoned, we ask Your forgiveness today. For the seen and invisible mistakes, the individual strongholds of sin, the battle for love that has been lost, we ask Your divine and all-knowing forgiveness.
Convict our hearts and change us from the inside out as a result of this divorce. Hear our confession, and forgive our disobedience in ending what You joined forever. Help us to forgive ourselves, for marriage is never a guarantee. Though some are ready to label our mistake, our tragedy, our misfortune…You are not. Shame and guilt do not sprout from You. Help us to discern the voices of those reaching out to help us, and to hear Yours above all others—including our own.
Bless and heal our hearts, Father. Mold them and make them more like Jesus' everyday. Inspire us with Your Word, and reveal Your love and character to us like never before. Show us what to do with the shambles of broken marital promises. Teach us how that can be used for good. We can love someone specifically because of the pain we've endured and the mistakes we've made. Remove the focus of each day from our own grieving hearts, and help us take new steps each day to reach out to others coming alongside and up behind us out of similar situations. As we reach out, our hearts will heal.
God places people around us specifically, but we often miss them because we're watching for how they can help us, listening for advice and focused inward on our grief. When we start to listen to the stories that surround us, God remolds, heals, and restores us.
We are promised that this world will be painful. No one walks down the aisle on their wedding day with the prospect of divorce on the horizon. Yet, it has become a part of our broken world.
This side of heaven we will suffer from the consequence of our sin, but we may also suffer in very Job-like ways. He did nothing to deserve his immense suffering, yet his friends remained convinced otherwise. Divorce has a way of attracting opinions, when all we need is love. Test every piece of advice and consolation with God's Word. He is our Comforter and our Healer. Because of Jesus, our Savior, we are forgiven …even when it's our fault. Help us, Father, to forgive ourselves, turn from our sin, and bear witness of Your love in our lives.
In Jesus' Name,
Heavenly Father, I place my son in your loving care. Only you know him and the difficult life he was living with his wife. You know how he tried to keep the peace. Lord, please be merciful to him, I know he has failed at times to ask you for the graces and help, but he now turns to you asking your help to have his divorce settled peacefully.
I ask you to soften the heart of his wife, who now is seeking vengeance, she has risen against him, making this divorce bitter and painful. But Lord I believe if You are with us, who can be against us. Nothing is impossible for you. Mold her into your peaceful ways and instill, love and peace within her.
I ask Our blessed mother and all the angels and saints, especially St. Jude, the patron of the hopeless to intercede for me. Lord please let this matter settle peacefully without malice and hatred. I make this prayer in the holy and powerful name of Jesus. Amen
Father, I belong to you.
I place myself anew in your hands
and acknowledge you as Master and Lord of my life.
Grant me the gift of a forgiving heart
and cleanse me of any anger,
hostility or revenge.
Heal my hurts and wounds and teach me to rely on your love.
Grant me wisdom of heart
and strengthen me by your grace to move on in faith,
in trust and in love.
Thank you Lrod for you love in my life.
God of infinite love and understanding,
pour out your healing Spirit upon Name,
as he/she reflects upon the failure/ending of his/her marriage
and makes a new beginning.
Where there is hurt or bitterness,
grant healing of memories
and the ability to put behind the things that are past.
Where feelings of despair or worthlessness flood in,
nurture the spirit of hope and confidence
that by your grace tomorrow can be better than yesterday.
Where he/she looks within and discovers faults
that have contributed to the destruction of the marriage
and have hurt other people,
grant forgiveness for what is past
and growth in all that makes for new life.
[Heal children's names, and help us minister your healing to them .]
We pray for [other] family and friends,
for the healing of their hurts and the acceptance of new realities.
All this we ask in the name of the One
who sets us free from slavery to the past and makes all things new,
even Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
Father God, what can I say? My wife has walked out on me saying that she can't stand to be with me and that she no longer loves me. How can this be? I worked so hard to provide for everything that she wanted, but now that times are hard, she wants me out of her life forever, and has asked for a divorce.
Forgive me, Lord, for my part in this rift that has developed between my wife and me. Perhaps I put too much weight on providing for the comforts of life, without being the loving comforter she may have needed. Perhaps I looked too much outside the walls of my home for my own comforts too, and became too easily flattered by others who seem attracted to me.
Forgive me for letting my marriage fail to the point where we may be separated, and even divorced. But thank You Lord, for all You did for me at the cross of Calvary. I know that there is no sin that I have committed in thought, word or deed that was not dealt with by the cross, for we are told that the only sin that cannot be forgiven is unbelief in Jesus, and I trust in Jesus Christ as my Saviour.
Lord, I pray that our marriage will not end in divorce, but that by Your grace You would bring us back together again, to start afresh, with You at the helm of our home, rather than with me thinking I had to prove myself. Thank You, Jesus, for being there for me.
God, help me I pray. I have tried to be a good wife for many years and to stay with my husband and to be the wife he wanted, but things are just going from bad to worse. His drinking and other habits are becoming so difficult to cope with, that I feel the only course of action is to go through a divorce.
It saddens me, as I love my husband Lord, but I fear for what he is likely to do to the children and to me when he becomes so aggressive. Protect us Lord, protect the children I pray, and help us to escape from this bitter marriage.
Help me Lord. Show me what to do. Lead me through this painful process and bring me out the other side I pray. I will trust in You and not be afraid. Thank You that You are always there for me.
Father, it is with great sadness that we come before You, knowing that our precious daughter has decided to divorce her husband. Oh Lord, this must grieve Your heart as it does ours, and we pray that they both may consider working this through together, to try to reconcile their differences.
Protect our little grandchildren, we pray, and ask that they may not be hurt or emotionally damaged by all that must be going on in the home at the moment.
Lord, we know that things in this world are hard and that marriage is not the bed of roses that the pop songs and romance novel make it out to be. But a good marriage partnership has to be worked at from both sides, and often for a lifetime, if the result is to be the depth of mutual love that we know is possible, for those that are in Christ.
Prevent them from rushing into divorce too quickly we pray, and give them both the grace and the wisdom to seek You and Your will for their lives. May they be reconciled with each other, and with You, and draw ever closer to the Lord Jesus. Pour out Your love and peace and forgiveness into their hearts and renew a right relationship between them we pray. In Jesus' name,