Dear Lord,
Thank you for getting me up this morning to greet another day and live for You. You make my life truly good. I know that there are a thousand different things that can go wrong today, but I choose to focus on Your goodness. I pray that You will help me have a good day today, despite my changing circumstances. Give me the wisdom and discernment to know how I can help someone or reach out to someone who is hurting. Help me be a good part of someone else's day, and encourage me to think of others before myself. And at the end of this day, remind me to thank You for every blessing You have given me. May I always take delight in every small or large blessing from You God.
In your name, I pray Jesus.
Dear Lord,
Please guide me throughout this day as it is my last, with joy, happiness and glory. As also love me as I have loved you to this day and forward. We may be troubled but forgive us as we forgive others. But together what you see is what I see in this world forever.
Thank you lord and please be with me.
Light gently arises
The morning beckons
This is your day,
A gift.
A day that you have made.
I listen to the birds singing
And I leave behind my slumber
To awake.
I awake with you Lord.
We arise together.
May this working day
Be full of wonder,
Wonder at the morning
That carries me, through each moment
Filled with thanks and praise.
Lord God, I trust in your promises and unending love. I give myself to You today, my activities, itinerary and all that it holds. I pray for a good day and may I walk in your goodness knowing that your gentle hand will guide me and keep me. Amen.
Good Morning God!
You are ushering in another day,
untouched and freshly new.
So here I am to ask you, God,
if You'll renew me too.
Forgive the many errors that I made yesterday
and let me try again dear God
to walk closer in Your way.
But Lord, I am well aware,
I can't make it on my own.
So take my hand and hold it tight,
for I cannot walk alon
Good Morning God!
You are ushering in another day,
untouched and freshly new.
So here I am to ask you, God,
if You'll renew me too.
Forgive the many errors that I made yesterday
and let me try again dear God
to walk closer in Your way.
But Lord, I am well aware,
I can't make it on my own.
So take my hand and hold it tight,
for I cannot walk alone.
May you find a gift this morning
Laid out for you in the sky.
A beautiful reminder
That sets your hope in flight.
May you notice birds above you
That soar and ride the winds.
And know that as you lift your prayer
God lifts your heart and sings.
May you hear the sweet birds chirping
May you smell the fresh cool air
And know that God's love is all around
Holding you so dear.
May this day be like a present
That fills your heart with awe
And takes your world from grey to gold
And soothes your very soul.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for getting me up this morning to greet another day and live for You. You make my life truly good. I know that there are a thousand different things that can go wrong today, but I choose to focus on Your goodness. I pray that You will help me have a good day today, despite my changing circumstances. Give me the wisdom and discernment to know how I can help someone or reach out to someone who is hurting. Help me be a good part of someone else's day, and encourage me to think of others before myself. And at the end of this day, remind me to thank You for every blessing You have given me. May I always take delight in every small or large blessing from You God.
In your name, I pray Jesus.