Heavenly Father, I bow my knee before You in prayer and praise. Lead and guide me today in all You say and do. May I walk in spirit and truth today and be sensitive to Your gentle guidance.
Help me I pray, to fix my eyes on the Lord Jesus, knowing that without Him I will quickly stray from the path that is best for me. Lord, I believe that You have scheduled every day of my life, and I do not want to stray from the path that You would have me take.
Help me to be faithful to You and to willing go along the path of Your choosing, knowing that it may conflict with my own desires and wishes. Develop in me a heart that delights to do Your will so that the longings of my heart are brought into line with Your plans and purposes and Your will for my life.
Let my eyes always be looking to You, and keep me from the looking at the storms and difficulties of life, knowing that You are with me to lead and guide and to uphold me to Your praise and glory.
Thank You that Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life and I desire to do only that which is pleasing in Your site. In His name I pray,
Dear Lord, I ask You to guide me and give me wisdom as I move away from my family and my home country to work in a foreign place. I ask You to be with me in all that I do as I face the challenge of learning to live and work in a different culture with different standards and beliefs. Enable me to adjust to the differences, but not be caught up in the things of this world.
Give me wisdom and discernment as I meet new people, and help me to be both cautious in my dealings as well as kind in my actions. May I walk in the path that You have called me to go and not stray from Your guidance.
Provide I pray, all my needs and necessities and provide me with health and strength as I face the challenges before me. May I be the best that I can be in the place that You have called me to go.
Be with all my loved ones that I am leaving behind and keep them safe in the arms of Jesus day by day. Bring us back together in Your way and in Your own good time. I ask this in the name of my Saviour, Jesus Christ,
Dear God, the world seems so dark and foreboding.
Where are the signs of hope?
What are you calling us to do?
Wars, uprisings, displacements, hunger, poverty, and disease continue to claim victims by the millions
around the world each year….
Our ears do not want to hear their stories and our eyes do not want to see their plight because the suffering
and destruction is so massive and cruel.
In our hearts and minds there is a desire to help somehow, but the crisis seem so overwhelming that we shake
our heads in dismay and we wonder what the point is for us even to attempt to be witnesses for healing and
hope in this hellish morass.
We beg with the song writer to open our eyes that we may see glimpses of truth you have for us.
Help us to follow the path of Jesus, the Suffering Servant. Give us the courage to be willing to walk the path
of depression and pain with the victims of injustice here at home as well as abroad.
Help us to seek ways to light candles of hope, however small, through our words, our deeds, and our prayers,
to encourage our sisters and brothers to hold onto the faith in spite of the pain and suffering they are
And help those of us who are among the fortunate ones, who have enough bread to eat, good health, and who
live in relative peace, to open our heart to learn from our sisters and brothers who are living lives of grace
and forgiveness in the horrid circumstances which surround them. O God, help us to light one candle rather
than to curse the darkness.
We pray this in the name of Jesus, who knows what being a light in this dark world is all about. Amen
Good morning, Lord! Today's a new day, a chance for a new start. Yesterday is gone and with it any regrets, mistakes, or failures I may have experienced. It's a good day to be glad and give thanks, and I do, Lord. Thank you for today, a new opportunity to love, give, and be all that you want me to be.
Today I want to start the day with you on my mind and in my heart. As I dress, let me wear the armor you've provided daily: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace, and the sword of the spirit—with prayer on my tongue: praise for you and petitions for those around me and those I meet.
Feed me today with your daily bread. As the Bread of Life, your food, like manna, will sustain me throughout any trials and hungers. Help me to set my thoughts on things above and to speak only what will help and encourage others. Keep me from putting my foot in my mouth, and help me guard the affections of my heart today, Lord. Make whatever work I do be marked with excellence rather than perfectionism, as I seek not to make a name, but to make a difference. Help me to treat each person I encounter as you would, with respect and love, forgiving others and asking for forgiveness myself when needed.
As I start this day, help me remember that I belong to you, and my desire is to act accordingly. Keep my feet from stumbling and my mind from wandering into distractions that could steal precious time and energy from the most important things you have designed for me. I'm proud to be your child, Lord. And I'm so grateful that you died for me—rising again on your own new morning—so that every day could be filled with the wonder of your love, the freedom of your Spirit, and the joy of knowing you.
I know earthly life is short and fleeting, Lord. But I want to live today as if it were the first or the last day of my life, giving thanks for every good and perfect gift you choose to give. Today, and every day, I want to live my life for you, Jesus. In your precious name, Amen.
One of the Bible's greatest truths is that God wants to guide us. He loves us and because He loves us, He wants what is best for us and is willing to show it to us. As your day progresses, it can be difficult to identify these blessings. Begin your day with this morning prayer for guidance:
Dear Lord, I don't know who or what will cross my path today. But I do know that You are my rock and my fortress. You are my shield and my strong tower. Help me to anchor myself to You today. Teach me how to stand strong in You and choose only Your way today. Help me walk by Your truth and not my feelings. Help me to embrace anything that comes my way as an opportunity to see You at work and as opportunity to point others to You. Amen.
O Lord my God, help me to trust you with my decisions and my future. Let me lean on you with all my heart instead of relying on my own imperfect understanding. Give me clear guidance in my life, Lord. As I submit myself to you, I know that you will direct my paths and I can have confidence that your direction is always the best way to go. Hear my prayer, Father. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
God of Light, I give thanks and praise to You that I have found myself in a loving and stable relationship. I feel that I can love and be loved healthily. However, I am unsure of where this relationship is going. I want to take the next steps toward marriage and honoring You, but I do not know what that step should be. Therefore, I pray that You would give me wisdom and guidance. Send trustworthy people into my life who can help me to see which path to take. Lord, hear my prayer. Amen.
Heavenly Father, Your Word declares that we will not be afraid nor dismayed because You are our God. Right now, Lord, we pray for leadership guidance for every leader, in Jesus' name. I pray that they will exercise faith, knowing that You will strengthen them and help them. You, Lord, will uphold them with Your righteous hand. Thank You in advance for Your divine strength for our leaders. Thank You for Your guidance. In Jesus' name, Amen.