I pray to You, Self-existent, Eternal God, to grapple with what is contending with me, and set me free from this prison of suffering. This tyrant of chronic pain has stolen any semblance of normal life and mobility. Please deliver from this terrible oppression. I lift my eyes to You, for only in You do I hope. Thank You for walking with me in this fire, my Help and my Salvation. Amen.
Lord, I wait for You to bring my healing. My soul waits, and I hope in Your Word, for with You there is loving-kindness and abundant deliverance from all disorders and disease. I am blessed and thankful to abide in the presence of my Savior, with access to Your throne room and intimacy with You. I know that my hope will not be disappointed because of Your great love that You pour out on us who believe. Amen.
Most Holy God, thank You for lavishing Your Spirit on me and healing my body because I hear and believe Your Word. I meditate on the extraordinary miracles You have performed throughout history, and my faith is made stronger. I confidently expect what is certain. I anticipate with great pleasure the manifestation of Your healing, as I trust in You. Amen.
O God, the source of all health: So fill my heart with faith in your love, that with calm expectancy I may make room for your power to possess me, and gracefully accept your healing; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Gracious God, only source of life and health: Help, comfort, and relieve me, and give your power of healing to those who minister to my needs; that my weakness may be turned to strength and confidence in your loving care; for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Keep me, Holy One, as the apple of your eye. Though I fear anesthesia, help me rest myself in your watchful care, and awake in the firm hope of your healing. Amen.
Holy One, you do not distance yourself from the pain of your people, but in Jesus bear that pain with us and bless all who suffer at others' hands. Hallow my flesh and all creation; with your cleansing love bring me healing and strength; and by your justice, lift me up, that in the body you have given me, I may again rejoice. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
God our strong deliverer: when those charged with the urgent mediation of your healing power feel overwhelmed by the numbers of the suffering, uphold them in their fatigue and banish their despair. Let them see with your eyes, so they may know all their patients as precious. Give comfort, and renew their energy and compassion, for the sake of Jesus in whom is our life and our hope. Amen.