Almighty God,
through your only Son you overcame death
and opened to us the light of eternity.
Enlighten our minds and kindle our hearts
with the presence of your Spirit,
that we may hear your words of comfort and challenge
in the reading of the scriptures,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Living God, today's Good News is so wondrous, so magnificent,
that we struggle to wrap our heads around it.
Give our hearts the wisdom to receive
that which our heads cannot fully understand.
Send your Spirit to fill our whole bodies with your resurrection promise.
This we pray in your holy and good name. Amen.
Holy and Living God,
like a tomb's darkness that gives way to light,
open us this day to newness of life;
open us to your love, to your acceptance,
to your forgiveness, to your peace;
open us to one another,
and to the possibilities
you have in store for us.
Give us hope for the future
and a passion for life here and now.
We pray in the name
of the One who destroyed death,
Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.
Risen One,
with Mary Magdalene,
help us recognize you this day
as we hear your word and feast together.
You are “Rabboni,” our Teacher, our Guide.
Come speak to us,
that we might be messengers of your love
and doers of your word. Amen.
Generous God,
we offer these gifts
as our testimony to your glory
and as our commitment
as your disciples.
Bless our gifts to your work in the world
and to your reign here on earth.
Through your blessing of our gifts,
may death be destroyed
and hope fill all of creation. Amen.
O risen Christ,
open us to the power of your resurrection
as we hear it proclaimed anew this day,
that we too might rise to new life in you.
God who is with us, guide us by your Word. Help us to again receive you in the flesh. May the Promised One lead us in wisdom and truth and may we be sustained by Christ who is the Bread of Life. AMEN
Gracious Guide, lead us now through your Word and our worship. Grow in us a faith we can live each day. Following the way of Christ, our holy trainer in faith, we live and pray. AMEN