Compassionate and Gracious Jesus, when You walked this earth, You expressed Your love for children; You held them in Your arms and blessed them. This little one that has been born sleeping is now safe and secure, held in Your arms of love and tenderness, and this baby will never know pain or sorrow. We pray that grieving parents will embrace this truth and receive Your solace and hope. Amen.
God of All Comfort, we pray that You would draw these parents who have lost their little baby into Your loving arms. May they find peace and rest in the midst of their searing pain. Surely their tears are in Your bottle, and their agony is written in Your book. Be merciful to them and let them know You are by their side. Even in their confusion, may they trust in You. Amen.
Glorious Father, receive this little lamb into the splendors of heaven, for she died innocent and without sin. May she rest in Your eternal love and be reunited with her family in the future, when they join her in heaven or when You return in glory and the dead are raised to life. May her mother and father and her extended family receive Your consolation and hope that one day they will be together again. Amen.
Gracious and Merciful God, I feel so lost and alone, abandoned by You, even though I know in truth You are here. I have never known such profound pain, and it seems unacknowledged by so many. I grieve never getting to know my baby, and that my hopes for the future will never be realized. In You, O Lord, my soul takes refuge; I take shelter in the shadow of Your wings. I cry out to You and know that You will fulfill Your purpose for me. Amen.
God of Love and Peace, extend Your tender mercies to these grieving parents. Help them know that when their baby's heart stopped beating, he was immediately present with the Lord, and his mortality has been swallowed up by life. Loving Father, answer their cries of grief with Your comfort and peace in knowing their child is alive with You. Relieve their distress and show them grace. Shine the light of Your face upon them. Amen.
Father of Mercies and Giver of All Comfort, receive the soul of this child into Your heavenly kingdom, surrounded by Your angels and the family who have gone on before. May her spirit rest in peace until her body is resurrected in the last days. Loving Father, pour out an abundance of healing graces on her family who are devastated by this unexpected loss. Guide them from darkness and despair to light and hope. Amen.
My Lord of Encouragement and Solace, I lift up my dear friend, whose baby has been stillborn. All of her dreams have been crushed and now she is returning home with no baby in her arms. Help me, loving Father, to give her the loving support she needs right now. I hardly know what to say or do, so guide me, I pray, to be a comforting presence for her through this season of grieving. Amen.
My God, my God, I want my baby back! I want to hold him and kiss him. I sometimes even think I hear him crying. I flood my bed with tears. Why, Lord, why did this happen? Did I do something wrong, that he would die before he was born? O my God, will this pain be forever? Heal my heart, Lord, for I am in agony. My soul is deeply distressed. Lord, hear my cry and turn to me with Your loving devotion. Amen