Loving Father, we are called to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Lord, we do pray that Your peace would one day soon descend upon that city of Jerusalem and spread across the whole nation of Israel, until the world is filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.
But Father, we know that there will be no peace in that land, nor indeed in any of the nations of the world, until the Lord Jesus comes to reign as King of kings, Lord of lords and Prince of Peace. And so Lord we pray Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus, come Thou long expected Jesus, come to set Your people free, come and to set up Your promised rule on earth, for Lord, we know that without You there can be no peace on earth and only an increase in the ragings of the nations against Your people Israel and Your holy city of Jerusalem.
The nations are increasingly raging against Your people and Your land, and Father we know that nothing can bring peace on earth, except the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to take up His rightful position as King of Israel and Saviour of the World.
Father, we pray that while there is still time that many may come to know and trust the Lord Jesus as the one and only Prince of Peace, both in the land of Israel and throughout the world. In Jesus' name we pray,
Loving Father, I lift up the Jewish people and the nation of Israel to You in prayer, and pray for Your grace and protection to overshadow them as a people and as a nation. Lord, they are Your chosen people and the apple of Your eye, and yet there is an increasing drumbeat from the nations of the world to drive them in to the sea, that the name of Israel may be no more. Yet You have promised to make Israel into a great nation so that they are as numerous as the sand on the sea-shore and the stars in the heavens.
Guard and protect the nation of Israel, I pray. Give wisdom to their leaders, and guide them in the decisions they have to make in an increasingly hostile world. Protect them I pray, with Your mighty arm, and set a hedge of protection around their homes and cities, their families and their little ones.
I pray that You would thwart the evil plans and practices of their enemies, and prepare them for that terrible time of Jacob's trouble, when Jerusalem becomes a burdensome stone for all nations and when the entire world turns upon the little nation of Israel.
Thank You, Father, that You know the end from the beginning. I pray that many would come to trust You as their Lord and Saviour, so that as a nation they will call on the Name of the Lord and return to the God of their Salvation. In Jesus' name,
Heavenly Father, I pray for all those in Israel who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Saviour and I pray that in Your grace, You would use them to be a true witness of the love of God and of the forgiveness and Salvation that only comes through His only begotten Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.
I pray that individually and as the body of Christ, the Church would be used by You to be a light to lighten those in Israel whose eyes have been blinded to the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ, and I pray that many Jewish men and women would come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus.
Lord, I know that You are the God of Israel, the Rock of their salvation, and their promised Redeemer, and that You have promised to one day give them the true inheritance in their land as promised to their forefather Abraham, when Jesus reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords over all the earth.
Lord, I pray for that time when as a nation they will accept Christ as their true Messiah, and so all Israel shall be saved, but Lord in Your grace and mercy, I pray that You would use Your Church in Israel to witness to Your people Israel, who do not know the Lord Jesus, so that many come to know Him as Saviour, very soon. In Jesus' name,
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are a God who keeps His promises to all generations. Thank You for the nation of Israel, through Whom You chose to bring us Your Word, Your truth, Your wisdom and Your only begotten Son, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord, thank You that although we are faithless, You remain faithful. Thank You, that the promises that You gave to Your chosen people, Israel, will not and cannot be broken, for they are all yes and amen in Christ Jesus. And Father, although as a nation Israel has sinned and turned against You and Your Son, Jesus Christ, nevertheless You are faithful to fulfil all the promises that You made to their forefathers, to Abraham and his seed forever.
Guide and protect the little nation of Israel, in a world that would seek to erase them off the face of the map and drive them into the seas, for You have promised to return to earth and to set up Your kingdom when that nation calls upon the name of the Lord, and cries, “Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.” Father, I pray that You would guard and protect the nation of Israel, both individually and nationally and hasten the time when they look on Him Whom they have pierced, and repent of their sins. Into Your hands I place the nation of Israel. In Jesus' name,
Heavenly Father, I lift up the Prime Minster of Israel and the whole Kenesset, knowing that the Jewish nation are Your people and that the world at large seems to be turning their back on Israel as a nation, as prophesised in Your Word.
Give those in government the wisdom to make the right decisions and protect them I pray, from those that would seek their destruction. Lord, I pray that many in the government would seek Your face and prepare the nation to turn back to You as the only true God and only Protector of their nation, land and people.
I ask that You would continue to bless Your people with an understanding of the times, and I pray that many will come to hear the gospel and turn to Christ as their Messiah and Saviour.
Protect the government, those that are in the armed forces and those that are living in vulnerable places in the land and I pray for that day when Israel as a nation will turn back to seek Your face and come to recognise Jesus Christ as their God and Saviour. Father, I pray for the day when peace comes at last to that land, when Christ returns in power and great glory to set up his kingdom and I plead that many will come to recognise Who Jesus is and to trust Him as Saviour. In Jesus' name,
Loving Father, we are called to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Lord, we do pray that Your peace would one day soon descend upon that city of Jerusalem and spread across the whole nation of Israel, until the world is filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.
But Father, we know that there will be no peace in that land, nor indeed in any of the nations of the world, until the Lord Jesus comes to reign as King of kings, Lord of lords and Prince of Peace. And so Lord we pray Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus, come Thou long expected Jesus, come to set Your people free, come and to set up Your promised rule on earth, for Lord, we know that without You there can be no peace on earth and only an increase in the ragings of the nations against Your people Israel and Your holy city of Jerusalem.
The nations are increasingly raging against Your people and Your land, and Father we know that nothing can bring peace on earth, except the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to take up His rightful position as King of Israel and Saviour of the World.
Father, we pray that while there is still time that many may come to know and trust the Lord Jesus as the one and only Prince of Peace, both in the land of Israel and throughout the world. In Jesus' name we pray,
Loving Father, I lift up the Jewish people and the nation of Israel to You in prayer, and pray for Your grace and protection to overshadow them as a people and as a nation. Lord, they are Your chosen people and the apple of Your eye, and yet there is an increasing drumbeat from the nations of the world to drive them in to the sea, that the name of Israel may be no more. Yet You have promised to make Israel into a great nation so that they are as numerous as the sand on the sea-shore and the stars in the heavens.
Guard and protect the nation of Israel, I pray. Give wisdom to their leaders, and guide them in the decisions they have to make in an increasingly hostile world. Protect them I pray, with Your mighty arm, and set a hedge of protection around their homes and cities, their families and their little ones.
I pray that You would thwart the evil plans and practices of their enemies, and prepare them for that terrible time of Jacob's trouble, when Jerusalem becomes a burdensome stone for all nations and when the entire world turns upon the little nation of Israel.
Thank You, Father, that You know the end from the beginning. I pray that many would come to trust You as their Lord and Saviour, so that as a nation they will call on the Name of the Lord and return to the God of their Salvation. In Jesus' name,