Lord Jesus, the world is full of lonely people who are weary and burdened, alone and afflicted. Be gracious to each hurting soul I pray. I ask that many would find their comfort and succour in You, Who came to earth to carry our burdens, heal our brokenness, and set us free from life's bondage. Thank You, that You have promised to give Your precious rest and perfect peace to all who look to You.
Fulfil Your many promises to those that are lonely and afflicted, I pray. Set the lonely in families free as Your Word has decreed, and lead the prisoners forth with singing! And Lord, You have promised that even though mother, father and all our loved ones forsake us, You will never ever leave us nor forsake us. Thank You for the many precious promises that are specially for those that are lonely, and I pray that You would meet each one at their very point of need. I ask this in Jesus' name,
I come to You Heavenly Father, in a time of great loneliness and pain, and pray for Your healing touch upon my life and the sufficient grace to face each day.
I ask for Your comfort and peace, especially during those moments of intense loneliness when I feel so incredibly alone and helpless. I long for just one person to show a little love and care, and yet the people that I know are too busy with their own lives to notice the intense pain that I am going through. Help me not to be bitter by their lack of love, but rather use it I pray, to mould me into the person that I know You want me to be.
Thank You, Lord, that no matter who forsakes me or displays disinterest in my life, that You are a faithful and ever-present friend, Who has promised never to leave me nor forsake me, and that no matter what difficulties or problems I may face, You are always there to love and to care, and to support with Your sufficient grace.
Touch the hearts of all those who like me, are facing loneliness. Comfort all our hearts. Give us the joy of Your salvation and help us all to look to Jesus during those times of loneliness. And I pray that You would help us to grow in grace, so that we may be enabled to show comfort and succour to others who are facing times of great loneliness and pain. This I ask in Jesus' name,
Lord, I feel so lonely at times that I am becoming more and more depressed. I find that I am trying to fill my life with activities and people, which do not address the root issue of my loneliness or what I am going through, and which leave me even more depressed.
Lord, I know that You have promised to help the afflicted and set free those that are all alone in families. I pray that You would do just that in my life, so that I may rediscover the joy of my salvation and overcome the depression that sweeps over me so often, when I find that I am on my own and have no one to talk to.
You have promised to help the afflicted and to comfort those that are hurting. Turn Your loving-kindness towards me at this time I pray, comfort my hurting soul and renew a right spirit within me. This I ask in Jesus' name,
How I thank You Heavenly Father, that You are there all the time and have promised never to leave me nor to forsake me. What a great comfort it is to know that no matter where I am or what I am doing, I can call upon You, day or night, knowing that Your ears are ever open to my cries for help.
Lord, You know that there are times when I feel so very lonely. I feel that no one I know seems to understand or even cares. I realise that they all have their own problems and interests, but even those that I am closest to do not seem to understand me or show any interest in me.
Lord, I know that part of the problem is that I am focussing on myself and my own needs, instead of realising that many other people are probably feeling much the same as me, and have no one to talk to and no one who understands them.
Help me Lord, to turn the eyes of my heart toward You every moment of the day and away from myself, knowing that only You can provide the fellowship and intimacy that I crave for, and that it is You alone Who can flood Your perfect peace into my heart and reveal Yourself to me in a new and special way. Thank You for being my Comforter and Counsellor. I pray that I may draw close to You in a way that I have never known before, so that Your comfort and grace may flow through me to others who are going through a similar loneliness. This I ask in Jesus' name,
Loving Lord, I feel so lonely at times, so very alone, though I am often surrounded by crowds of people, but I also realise that the more I concentrate on my loneliness, the more alone I feel. I feel sorry for myself and become depressed and down, and I know that this is not the way that You created us to be.
Lord, I ask You to show me how to conquer this loneliness. Help me not only to cope with loneliness but to conquer it. I know that You have said that You are with us all the time, and that You have promised never to leave us nor forsake us, and I believe Your Word is true.
Help me to rise above all the negative feelings that loneliness brings, and all the negative elements that come with it. I pray that I may be enabled to embrace my loneliness in such a way that my life honours You, and becomes an encouragement to others who may be facing similar lonely feelings. In Jesus' name I pray,
I come to You Heavenly Father, in a time of great loneliness and pain, and pray for Your healing touch upon my life and the sufficient grace to face each day.
I ask for Your comfort and peace, especially during those moments of intense loneliness when I feel so incredibly alone and helpless. I long for just one person to show a little love and care, and yet the people that I know are too busy with their own lives to notice the intense pain that I am going through. Help me not to be bitter by their lack of love, but rather use it I pray, to mould me into the person that I know You want me to be.
Thank You, Lord, that no matter who forsakes me or displays disinterest in my life, that You are a faithful and ever-present friend, Who has promised never to leave me nor forsake me, and that no matter what difficulties or problems I may face, You are always there to love and to care, and to support with Your sufficient grace.
Touch the hearts of all those who like me, are facing loneliness. Comfort all our hearts. Give us the joy of Your salvation and help us all to look to Jesus during those times of loneliness. And I pray that You would help us to grow in grace, so that we may be enabled to show comfort and succour to others who are facing times of great loneliness and pain. This I ask in Jesus' name,
Loving Lord, You called those that are lonely and burdened to come to You, rest in You and to put the difficulties, hardships and responsibilities of life onto Your shoulders, for You have promised to gently lead us and to carry us in Your loving arms, and to be with us no matter who else may leave us or hurt us or betray us.
Lord, I feel betrayed and so alone at this time. This betrayal of a dear friend has been like a shadow of death entering my heart. Lord, You know and understand how painful it is when a dear friend that you lived with and loved and trusted betrayed You, and I am in that position now. Comfort me in my sorrow I pray, and be with me throughout this difficult ordeal.
Thank You, Lord, that You are the One that binds up the broken-hearted and nurtures those that are alone and afraid. I know that Your grace is sufficient, even in this deep loneliness that I am facing, but give me the grace to face the future with You at my side. In Jesus' name I pray,
Dear Heavenly Father, draw close to me I pray, for I am on my own and at times I can feel so lonely. Sometimes it is harder when others are around me, especially whey they have the companionship of a spouse or a close friend. Sometimes Lord it hurts so much, but give me Your strength and patience to wait Your good timing.
Lord, You search the inner thoughts of my mind and You know my needs better than I know them myself, and so Father I place this need of companionship into You hands and ask that You would give me a measure of Your patient endurance.
O Lord, You have searched me and You know me. You know when I sit and when I rise, You perceive my thoughts from afar. Lord, please use this time of solitude to draw me closer to Yourself, to get to know You more and to love You better, for in my heart I know that You alone can fill this aching void in my life.
Lord, I realise that there are many people in the world who are facing similar loneliness today. Be the God of Comfort to each and every one I pray, and use the loneliness that they and I are going through to bring us into close fellowship with Yourself, so that we may be comforted in You and be a comfort to others in similar need.