Grant us, Lord God, the vision of your kingdom.
Grant us forgiveness and new life.
Grant us the stirring of your Spirit
so that we may proclaim your love
and change this world.
May your Spirit make us wise.
May your Spirit guide us.
May your Spirit strengthen us
so that we may be strong in the faith,
courageous in witness,
and persistent in good deeds.
God the Sender, send us.
God the Sent, come with us.
God the strengthener of those who go, empower us
so that we may go with you and find those who will call you
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Dear Lord, help me to continuously be aware of all people around me every single day. Where there are people, there are needs. Give me Your eyes to see some of those needs and the wisdom to know how to help as well. Help me to be your hands and feet as I serve others right where I'm at. And allow them to see Your light in my life as I do work in your name. Amen.
God of truth and love,
Father Son and Holy Spirit,
Hear our prayer for those who do not know You.
We ask that they may come to a saving knowledge of the truth
and that Your Name may be praised among all peoples of the world.
Sustain, inspire and enlighten Your servants
who bring them the Gospel.
Bring fresh vigor to wavering faith;
sustain our faith when it is still fragile.
Continually renew missionary zeal in ourselves and in the Church;
raise up new missionaries who will follow You to the ends of the world.
Make us witnesses to Your goodness;
full of love, strength and faith –
for Your glory and the salvation of the entire world.
Servant King, reveal to me
the things I cannot see -
the road ahead,
the work prepared,
the person I could be.
Help us, with simple words,
to explain the warmth
within our hearts
that we experienced
in that first encounter
with your love and grace -
the Spirit's flame,
still burning bright within -
that others, in their own
journeys of discovery
might reach out and touch
the hand that's always there,
and be embraced by love.
So fill us with your love
that it might cascade
into the ordinariness
of our working lives,
and others experience
the warmth of its flow,
spreading from hearts
and words and deeds;
an unbroken stream
bringing refreshment
to all that it touches.
We are, all of us,
wonderfully made.
Young or old,
weak or strong,
we are able
to both receive
and give love,
to be blessed
and be a blessing,
to be singers
of the angels' song
and point to the one
who gives us life.
We are, all of us,
wonderfully made.
Thank you, Creator God,
who loves each one.
May this voice
bring words of comfort,
may these hands
be there when needed,
may these feet
walk that extra mile,
may this life
be always centred
on service, Lord, for you.