Father, If I am the course of my marital problems, forgive me today, in Jesus name. I release myself from evil counsel affecting my marriage, in Jesus name. LORD, restore and renew our love as couples, in Jesus' name. Oh God, bring back my husband by your power and mercy, in the name of Jesus.
Lord i ask that you forgive all the mistakes I've made, please restore my marriage. Remove anything stopping my husband from being right with you lord, that he may surrender to you because your worth all the honor and praise. I give you the glory, for I know you're working in both of us at the moment,
I just ask you help him find his way home to be the father and husband your word says he is. I trust you Lord and I ask that you give him the strength to overcome this battle and stand for your word and come home. Fill us with Love and respect for each other. Touch his heart like you have touched mine. Bless us and our home. In Jesus name, Amen
I pray that my husband come back home, we have been through great pain where we have separated and came back together again but i believe we still hurting from our past and present issues so God heal us and re unite us and let it be nice and happy like before.
Daddy root him again back to church and review his position that you have lead upon him daddy and review my God unto us what you want us as a husband and wife you want us to be and do in your church. God teach us and lead both of us on how to deal with his first born child he has with another women before he married me.
Teach and help me to love the child as my own accept her and have a good and special bond with her and her also to have a bond with her little sister. Lord i come against all evil spirits, words and curses that where sent against our marriage and Lord i pray that you cut and rebuke all the 3rd unwanted members in our marriage. Amen
“Father, I praise and give you glory because you honored me and gave me a husband and a home. I am grateful to you for all the blessings and favor that I have enjoyed since being married to the wonderful man (his name) you gave me as husband.
Father, I ask for your mercy and forgiveness for my errors and sins against my husband, our marriage and against You. By the Blood of Jesus, cleanse me of all my mistakes, rebellion and sins. In the same manner, I forgive my husband for every misbehavior or sins against me or our marriage. I will not hold them against him anymore. So help me, O Lord!
Now, Lord, this prayer is for husband to come home. Our marriage is threatened by lust, adultery, separation and divorce. My husband is seduced by a strange woman (if you know her name, put it here) that won't let him come to us, or communicate us, or provide for us. The strange woman and the evil spirits that sponsor her want to end our marriage.
Father, in the name of Jesus, intervene, and defend, and save our marriage from collapse. Lord, when Abimelech took Sarah, Abraham's wife, You sent him a message he couldn't ignore. My God, send a message to this strange woman and any of her collaborators. Even the evil spirits behind our separation, let the powers of Heaven contend with them and release my husband. In any way they have defiled my husband and affected his mind to abandon or loathe me, Lord, heal him. Lord refresh the covenant vows of our marriage in his heart, and according to Proverbs 21: 1, cause him to love me again.
Lord, just like you took sleep from the King in Esther 6: 1 so as to favor your servant, let not my husband and the strange woman have rest until my husband is released from that affair.
Father, I ask for grace for wisdom to be a virtuous woman and worthy wife to my husband and family. Help my thoughts, utterances and interactions with my husband as he returns home. This I pray and believe it is done in Jesus name. Amen!”
Heavenly Father, Your Word says, “what God has joined together, let no man separate.” You have joined us together as husband and wife and so I give You glory and praise. Lord, the enemy has seeped into our marriage and has caused my husband to abandon our marital home. But in the name of Jesus, I pray against every evil spirit that is trying to terminate this marriage. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Dear Father, I pray that You will intervene in our marriage and that You will bring restoration to our broken relationship. Lord, as much as I am hurting right now due to my husband's infidelity, I pray that You will help me to forgive him as You have forgiven me for my sinful attitude towards him. Father, bind up the evil spirits that are behind our separation. I pray against the spirit of assassination that is looming over our marriage and I pray that my husband will return home. In Jesus' powerful and healing name. Amen.
Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer, You said that “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” I pray that You will help my husband to return home so that he may obtain favor from You. Father, I promise that as a virtuous wife, I will do good to him and not evil, even though he has cheated and has been unfaithful to me. Lord, please return my husband back to me. Holy Spirit, refresh the covenant vows of this holy matrimony in his heart. Help him love me as Your Word instructs husbands to love their wives. Amen.
O God, my Strength, I know that my husband has been having an affair and I pray this prayer of petition asking that You will mend my broken heart. Help me Lord to endure and to not give up. I also ask that You will speak to my husband so he may see the consequences of his adulterous lifestyle and that You will lead him to confess his sins. I place You, God, at the center of this marriage and I pray that through the unction of the Holy Spirit, my husband will return home quickly. In Jesus' name. Amen.