On this your special day
May you have the gift of joy.
Smile and know how much you're loved,
Be blessed with all things good.
On this your special day
May you have the gift of hope.
Celebrate and know there's such a lot
That waits this year for you.
God of Power, I am grateful for Your faithfulness towards siter and for blessing her with newborn baby. I pray that her baby will be strong in You and in Your mighty power. I pray for the full armor of You to be the clothing for her baby for the rest of his/her days. Dress him/her with your power so that he/she can stand against the devil's schemes. Make him/her fearless in this evil world. Amen.
Righteous God, I pray for divine provision in my sister newborn's life. I know that her child will walk in power and authority because I know that You will supply her child's every need according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus! I am thankful for Your provision and Your protection in her child's life. Because of this, I know that her baby will walk in God-given authority. Amen.
May you always walk in sunshine.
May you never want for more.
May Irish angels rest their wings
beside your nursery door.
And for the proud parents:
May God grant you a wee bit of heaven
to cradle in your arms -
a sweet bonny baby
to hold close to your heart.
A newborn babe
brings light to the house
warmth to the hearth
and joy to the soul
for wealth is family
and family is wealth.
Lord, I pray for my pregnant sister. When I look into her and see her features reflected in her baby – see the miracle of Your creation. To see her features reflected in her child is astonishing, almost like a second chance at my life. I pray that her baby always recognizes the love and kindness you've given me. I pray that you'll be their God, just like you are mine. Amen.
Lord, I want to do her best to parent this baby, even if she don't always know what to do. Even if she's afraid of making mistakes and don't want to burden them with her failures. Guide her, Father, and show her how to be a good parent like you. Amen.
God, thank you for giving each one of us life. Thank you for knitting us together in our mother's wombs even before she knew we existed. Thank you for giving us a purpose for every beat of our hearts and every breath we take. It is in you that we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28) and we praise you for your good and beautiful works. We are not here by accident, and we thank you that this new, budding life is not an accident either. You are a gracious and generous giver of good things, Lord! This new life is in your hands, and we pray that we would be a good steward of this precious creation. In your name we pray, amen.
Lord, because I know you and love you, this baby will come to know you and I pray they come to love you too. As you are present with me, be present with my baby in my womb. Cover her with your love and grace. Comfort her and bring her peace. Strengthen her and grow her. Create in her a heart that will long for closeness with you every day of her life. In your name I pray, amen.