Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for my son. Thank you for the good plans you have for him and his future. You “knitted him together” and created him for a special purpose. I know you have also created someone who he will one day choose to marry. I pray that as He keeps his eyes focused on You, he will be drawn to her godly qualities. Your Word tells us in Ephesians 4:2, “Always be humble and gentle.” I pray my son will meet a woman who shows true humility and treats others with a gentle kindness that is “evident to all.” (Philippians 4:5)
I pray they will “make every effort to keep themselves united in the Spirit, binding themselves together with peace.” (Ephesians 4:3) I pray they will allow the peace of Jesus to wrap around them and comfort them during difficult times. Thank you in advance for the wonderful, godly wife my son will meet one day. May they have unspeakable joy in their relationship, and may their marriage bring glory to You. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Dear Lord, I pray that You teach my husband's future wife to trust in You so that when the unexpected storms come in their marriage, she will expect peace in the midst of those storms, knowing that You are near. I pray that she will hear You and recognize that You are with them every step of the way.
Dear Lord, into Your hands I place my worries, cares and troubles. Into Your wisdom, I place my son's path, direction and goals. I pray that He places His life in your hands and that his future wife does the same. Amen.
Dear Lord, thank you for today, yesterday and tomorrow. I pray for my future family, their joys and their sorrows which I know will make them stronger. Amen.
Dear Lord, I pray that my son and his future wife will choose to let the struggles of life make them better and not bitter. I pray that You give them strength. Amen.
Dear Lord, I trust in You today. I know You will work out Your purpose and perfect plan for my son's life. Amen.
Today, we praise You for marriage. You know it's not good for us to be alone, and so You provide a way for us to be loved and to live out Your will on this earth with a faithful companion. Today, Father, we first and foremost leave the plans we have for our children at Your feet, understanding that the future we see and wish for them may not be Your will for their lives. Today, we decide to prayerfully place our children in Your capable hands. Our job as parents is to guide them to Your feet. No matter what stage of parenting we are in, guide us as only You can to begin to let go when we need to. Help us to release them into Your full will and plan for their lives.