Help her to love me through all my failures while I learn to love her as Christ loves the church. May we see each other as You see us, and may we enjoy fulfilling each other's desires in our marriage (Ephesians 5:25; >1 Corinthians 7:2–4).
Help me to support her dreams and passions to propel her to achieving all you have for her. For all she will achieve, please don't let her fall into the trap of believing her identity is wrapped up in achievements (or failures), but her identity is secured in your love for her. Never let her lose sight of the fact that she's eternally loved by you and let her find strength in my love for her as well.
Fill her heart with joy. Let laughter fill the soundtrack of our life together. Even in the difficult seasons, help us choose joy as we're reminded that our struggles are temporary, but because of you Lord, our joy will be eternal. Help me be strong for her on the days she's feeling weak, and help her be strong for me on the days I'm feeling weak, and Lord, please give us both strength for all that's ahead. Help us to NEVER lose faith in you or give up on each other.
Please keep our minds pure in our desire and attraction for each other. Help us spiritually, physically, romantically, and emotionally pursue and pour into each other with our thoughts, words, and touch.
Please continue molding me into the man she deserves and that humbly pursues the noble responsibility of modeling Christ's submission and servanthood to the church. Empower me with wisdom to lead her and our household as I submit to You.
As the dawn breaks spreading its beauty across the glistening skies, I lay my heart, thoughts and life before you. Thank you for the deep peace, comfort and blessings found in marriage. Thank you for being able to wake beside my best friend and share all I am with her/him.
I pray the following for both of us Lord so that neither of our minds gets distracted by things that don't really matter. May we focus on: Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, whatever is lovely, and admirable. If anything is excellent or praiseworthy –may we THINK ON THESE THINGS. (Philippians 4:8)
Dear Father God,
Thank you for the blessing of marriage.
Thank you that we find shelter as two beloved children, cradled in your wings.
Thank you for the safety found in intimacy.
May we walk closely with one another, sharing in the joys and sorrows of life.
Thank you that you are in the centre of all we do.
Come shape and direct our lives together moment by moment.
Thank you for the fruits of love, joy, patience, kindness, and faithfulness.
May our marriage be fresh in this new growth everyday.
Heavenly Father, I give you all praise and adoration, because your word is ever true. I give you thanks because no weapon that is formed against this marriage will stand (Isaiah 54:17).
I declare that every arrow shot to destabilize this marriage is broken to pieces, in Jesus name.