Lord, we know that you have a purpose for us as a couple. Father God, give us the vision of our joint ministry that we may be able to work together and bring glory to your holy name. Lord, help us to see ourselves as partners and not competitors. Destroy any plans of the enemy that will cause us to drift away from the vision that you have for us. May everything we do during this engagement period and in our marriage bring glory to your name. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray, Amen.
Dear Lord, we are so happy to be engaged. Thank you for leading us to each other. Lord, as we draw near to our wedding, help us to be firm in one spirit. Holy Spirit, be our guide and counselor. Help us to walk according to the word and to remain united. Root out bad attitudes and thoughts that may hinder us from being one in the spirit in marriage. May we glorify you, Lord Jesus, with one voice. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray, Amen.
Dear Lord Jesus, I pray today for all those that have made the choice to become engaged and spend their lives together in the union of marriage, which You Yourself ordained and blessed. Lord, I pray that You would help all betrothed couples to recognise the sanctity of the promises that they have made to each other, and give them grace to forsake all others and cleave only to each other, for as long as they live, as You ordained.
Give them wisdom and guidance as they start to make their future plans together, and provide each of them with the wise counsel from godly counsellors, so that they may have all that they need to equip themselves for a future together, when they become united as one.
As they plan their wedding and begin charting the direction of their new life together give them the ability to communicate well and to laugh often. Give them the grace to value each others' opinions, hopes, gifts, faith and dreams. Be with them in their times of disagreement that they might learn how to find common ground, how to give up personal control, how to talk over differences and how to express emotions in healthy ways. Help them to learn how to trust each other. Teach them how to deal with money issues, job demands, family obligations and personality differences. And grant them the time they need together as a couple to stay focused on their relationship during the course of wedding plans and busyness of modern life.
Most of all, enable them to form a strong spiritual bond based on Your eternal love that will last for a lifetime and beyond into eternity. May You bless them with Your loving presence now and always. Amen.
We praise you, Lord, for your gentle plan draws together your children, N. and N., in love for one another. Strengthen their hearts, so that they will keep faith with each other, please you in all things, and so come to the happiness of celebrating the sacrament of their marriage. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Lord, in their struggles let them rejoice that you are near to help them; in their needs let them know that you are there to rescue them; in their joys let them see that you are the source and completion of every happiness. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Eph. 4:1-3
We pray that their marriage to be filled with friendship, joy, and love. May their life together embody warmth and affection, with the deepest love and intimacy between them.
Falling in love is not a choice, but being in love is. It is a choice that requires renewal day after day, year after year, lifetime after lifetime.
Love, deep love, is simple. It is a simple choice between kindness and generosity, or blame and criticism, moment to moment.