Almighty and Triune God, our Heavenly Father, who sent Thy Son our Savior, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Son of Mary—who is forever called “blessed”—so that by love amazing, love divine, Jesus came to restore the ruins of sin by His life and atoning death at Calvary, His resurrection, His appearances, and glorious Ascension; Grant Thy peace and hope to the people of Paris, who with broken hearts cry with bitter lamentation, not unlike Jeremiah: as we, Christians of the Church catholic, “weep with those who weep” at the shocking sight of the burning of Notre Dame Cathedral, that majestic, ancient edifice dedicated to Thee—a symbol of Christian Faith and human aspirations—we pray for Spirit-stilling peace in trembling hearts, so that an even greater number of people will turn to Thee, the Lord of all of those who assemble to raise holy worship to the risen Christ, in cathedral and caves, in chapels and forests, and even in ashes; have mercy on our French brothers and sisters in their sorrow, and give resurrection hope in this special season, the season when we remember hope transcends hopelessness, and new life arises from the tomb of inconceivable sorrow; this we pray, O God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
We pray for all firefighters and those at the scene of this tragedy.
We pray for the people whose parish home was here at Notre Dame.
We pray for the Archdiocese of Paris.
We pray for millions whose lives were changed as they visited this Cathedral and experienced God's presence.
Today we pray for the city of Paris after the devastating fire at Notre-Dame.
The Very Revd Dr. Robert Willis, Dean of Canterbury, said “Our hearts and minds are with the people of Paris and the whole of France in light of the unimaginably tragic fire at Cathédrale Notre-Dame De Paris.
“We pray for the whole Christian world who suffer this loss of such a significant holy place, as well as those who love the cathedral: all of whom will continue to be the heart, mind and soul of its community.”
May God bless and comfort all those who feel pain and sorrow following the fire at Notre Dame de Paris, Our Lady of Paris, and all those in France and throughout the world who look to this beloved place for encouragement in their own lives.
“Grant that the community of Notre Dame finds in the years to come that their present sadness is transformed into a sign of hope which may inspire new vision and creativity in those who witness it, just as Our Lady herself found her pain and sorrow at the Cross transformed into the glory of Resurrection and New Life in her Son Jesus Christ,
Lord Jesus,
your broken body, laid aside,
rose in glory.
Give resurrection hope to the people of Paris
and all who grieve the destructive fire
at Notre Dame.
From the ashes may beauty once more arise,
as from the grave our new life comes.
Living God,
You are the creator of all good things.
You have made us in your image
And we strive to fashion our world according to your will.
That which our hands have made
We entrust into your care.
And where it is hallowed,
We experience your presence made known through Jesus Christ.
Yet even in the midst of that consumed,
Hope is renewed again.
In fashioning once more a place that shall be hallowed by your presence,
We ask that faith will be reborn.
In remembering our sisters and brothers
For whom the loss of Notre Dame
Is the loss of a symbol of faith at the heart of their nation,
We stand with them and the bonds that unite us in your image are renewed.
Heartbreaking. My prayers are with everyone who has ever marveled at and been inspired by Notre Dame. 'This place is a witness to the life of the people of God, the radiance of his charity, his fervent hope,
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