I confess that I exercise my rights on earth and in Heaven. I pray for those in offices of governmental authority as I exercise my authority in Christ through prayer. I operate according to the divine law of love, and I refrain from criticism and negative speech. Instead, I speak words in agreement with the will of God and the establishment of righteousness in my land.
I declare this by faith in Jesus' name!
We ask that each representative would submit themselves to you God, the ultimate authority in each one of our lives.
Help them to recognize rights are not granted by government, they are given by you.
We pray they would use government to help secure peaceful and quiet living in our communities while respecting the proper role of your institutions of family and the church.
We know we are all sinful, subject to fall short, so we ask for an extra measure of humbleness for each of our elected officials to know wisdom only comes from you Lord.
Please protect and strengthen each one of their families, especially during times of separation.
We pray for those who lead us and do not know the saving grace of Jesus Christ and pray they will come to know you.
We ask all this in Jesus Name.
O God, you are the source of life and peace.
Praised be your name forever.
We know it is you who turn our minds to thoughts of peace.
Hear our prayer in this time of crisis.
Your power changes hearts.
Muslims, Christians and Jews remember, and profoundly affirm,
that they are followers of the one God,
Children of Abraham, brothers and sisters;
enemies begin to speak to one another;
those who were estranged join hands in friendship;
nations seek the way of peace together.
Strengthen our resolve to give witness to these
truths by the way we live.
Give to us:
Understanding that puts an end to strife;
Mercy that quenches hatred, and
Forgiveness that overcomes vengeance.
Empower all people to live in your law of love
I pray for all those in authority over us. Give them the grace and strength to stand against the temptation to use power as a weapon but rather to carry it reverently, as one would a child. Surround our leaders with wise, biblical counselors, who have a full understanding of the perilous times we live in.Amen
May they serve as faithful stewards of God's authority in this land. Whatever decisions they make, may these not hinder Christ's church, here and around the world, from flourishing. But may they enact policies and legislation that protect the family, encourage parents, and uphold a biblical standard of righteousness. Amen
Father, use this nation and its leaders in this great harvest of souls that will take place in the last days. I praise and thank You for blessing my country. I pray that our nation will accomplish the things that You want us to accomplish. I thank You that Jesus is Lord over the United States of America.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen
Give us leaders with discerning hearts, bold faith, and wise minds that model Your character. Teach them—and us—not just what is good, but what is best. Guide them in the way our country should go. Give them purity in their intentions, and godliness in their convictions. Energize their spirits and bodies physically and spiritually, and keep them emotionally secure in the knowledge of Who You are—and Whose they are. Our prayer for leaders is that You would help them to be bighearted and sincere, energetic in goodness, and courteous in their manners.
Help our leaders to be quick to admit failure, but ready to rebound in persistent resilience. Encourage them to choose wisely, and when they don't know what to do, help them keep their eyes on You. Let them take a firm stand on issues that truly matter to You, regardless of the consequences or approval ratings. Make them God-pleasers, not puppets; leaders filled with conviction, not corruption.