I thank You, Father, that Your eyes are on my shepherd and Your ears are attentive to my pastor's prayers and Your face is against those who plot evil against my pastor (1 Pet. 3:12). For I know that in all things You work for the good of _____ (insert your pastor's name) who loves You (Ro. 8:28). Who can accuse this pastor who is daily interceded for by Christ Jesus? (Ro. 8:33–34). Therefore, in all things my pastor is more than a conqueror (Ro. 8:37). Thank You, God.
Gracious God, many are the afflictions of our pastor, but you always delivered him from them all, and we want to say thank you. Thank you for the incredible power that is working within him to transform lives. We know it is not him but you that is delivering people from captivity. Lord, supply all his needs according to your glorious riches. May he always remember that you care about him. Grant him everything he needs that he may have all he needs and plenty left over to share with other people. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray, Amen.
Thank you for his leadership in our church services and the orderly manner in which he leads us, seeking to fulfill the Biblical call that "all things be done decently and in order" (1 Corinthians 14:40).
Thank you for his interest in the flock under his care and the burden that he carries for your people.
Thank you for _____________ and her compliment to his leadership and her service and thoughtfulness as well.
May you continue to confer your richest blessing upon this ministry couple as they seek to fulfill their call amongst us and thus bring You glory.
In the powerful name of Jesus Christ we pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, we thank you today for your work in creation and the abundant blessings that we have as Your children.
We thank you for the glorious gospel; the gift of your Son Jesus Christ as the one mediator between God and man.
Thank you for the church, the company of the redeemed, and for the local church where believers gather to express their faith and obedience such as we do here at ____________.
Thank you for the gift of pastor, which your Word says you gave to your church "to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:12, 13). Amen
God, keep
pastors faithful in
every way, especially when tired
and hard-pressed.
We pray for their
rest and renewal. Amen
God, empower
pastors to fight the
good fight, finish
the race, keep the
faith, and receive
the crown of
righteousness. Amen
Lord of mercy, thank you for being with us this day when we are appreciating the work you have given our pastor do to in our church, I want to pray also many other pastors who are being appreciated this day, be with them in Jesus name.Amen
Dear loving Father who is in heaven, we want to thank you for bringing us together to this celebration, a day when we are appreciating our pastor for the ministry you gave him of serving us in this church, as we share the love that you have given, we thank and praise you, thank you for the care and love that you have for us, your mercies and goodness endures forever, thank you for hearing and answering our prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus we pray and believe.Amen