Father, we also remember those who are in weakness because of these circumstances over the world. Please give them your strengths and special protection. Please deepen our faith in you and let us experience your power that rose from the death. Lord declare your wonderful light to bring us and the world out of darkness and into your righteousness. We offer this prayer with thankful hearts and unending praise in the name of your beloved son, Jesus our Lord. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, we humbly come before your throne of grace seeking your face.
Assured of your love and mercy, we stand before you in faith. We bring all our fear to you and leave it at your feet.
In the midst of all our turmoil, grant us your peace and let us be still. Let us know that you are God and you are in control. You, oh God, calm the raging sea, and the storm. Nothing is above your power. By your Word, the world was brought into existence, and by your power, all things are being sustained (Heb 1:3). We keep our eyes fixed on you, our Father! In you alone, we take refuge (Psalm 141:8). Help us put our hope in you alone, to be assured that no matter what may happen, you will not be lacking in power to come to our rescue. Keep us from forgetting who we are, despite our social distancing—that we will show love and compassion at this time when they are most needed. In so doing, we fulfill what you recommend: you said “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). Help us be our brother's keeper in our community as we all endure this time of uncertainty.
In Jesus' name, we pray this! Amen!
Dear God who stretched out His arms of love on the hard wood of the cross so that everyone might come within the reach of His saving embrace. Teach us to walk in the way of the cross that we may find it in it none other than the way of life and peace.
We believe in the Holy Spirit
Who knows no social distancing. Let your pouring out on all flesh bring the nations of the world to worship in the beauty of holiness.
We believe in the communion of saints, in which faith, hope and love are brought to perfection.
We believe in the life everlasting, for death shall have no dominion.
O Lord God Almighty, we raise our hearts to you asking for Your mercy. Please God, look upon us, Your children, in the turmoil of this troubled world, full of suffering, pain, depression, persecution, violence, bitterness, hatred, and, above all, injustice. O Lord, have mercy upon us.
Grant Your peace to our city, the city of peace, that has long suffered and is still suffering from the grief of wars.
O Lord, remember all those who are persecuted and tortured - defend them. Remember the bereaved - give them condolence. Homes for the homeless, quick recovery for the sick, and repentance to sinners. Guide the world leaders to be just and understanding.
We pray for justice and peace to prevail everywhere.
O Lord God our Father, grant us peace - not that of the world - but your heavenly everlasting peace that you promised us deep in our hearts. Give us the power to forgive and forget and fill our hearts with love towards all for the glory of Your holy name. Amen.
O You Divine Comforter, Spirit of Truth; O treasure-house of goodness, and fountain of life; You Who do apportion gifts and give divine favors, come dwell in us, and cleanse us thoroughly from all defilement. O Lord, create in us a clean heart, and renew within us a right spirit, even the spirit of temperance and purity, the spirit of piety and holiness, the spirit of deliberation and strength, and the spirit of knowledge and the fear of You, O God. Be with us and among us, guiding, aiding, strengthening and comforting us. O Holy, Merciful and Good Spirit, grant me a fountain of tears that, with them, I may wash my heart clean of its defilement, so that it pleases You to dwell in it. Ignite in it the fire of Your divine love, and refresh and revive in me the spirit of good work, that I may live in You forever and ever.
Lord Jesus Christ, you came to bring us peace, that all peoples may have life and have it in abundance. As we prepare to relive the events of your incarnation help us keep in mind vividly that you have called us to be peace makers and to help each other reach the fullness of life to which you have called each and every human being. Look upon all the people who are suffering from hunger, displacement, injustice, violence, discrimination and all those who are marginalized in our societies. For Jerusalem and all the land of your birth we ask a special blessing and we pray that all those who have the privilege of living there may remember that they are children of the one Father who wants each and everyone of them equally to be enabled to live life to the full. Grant the decision makers, in the Holy Land and everywhere in the world, the wisdom and courage to do their utmost to bring about just peace and lasting reconciliation. Do not allow them to use different standards in their caring for your people and your creation and to justify excessive violence when it serves their objectives. Amen
Our dear heavenly Father, we praise you and recognize you as the life and light of our spirit. We thank you for your loving presence, and for all the blessings you have given us. We join in prayer with many others who are praying for, and seeking peace in our world. We know there is confusion and anxiety, injustice, hate and violence causing so much suffering to your lovely creation. We would ask a special blessing on all those who work to relieve that suffering. We ask a blessing on the leaders of nations. Grant them wisdom and patience as they decide. Help them to work in harmony as they strive to find ways to deal with the many difficult problems of living together in our complex world. Soften the hearts of those who would use violence to settle disputes.
Father, touch our hearts with your Son's compassion. Give us eyes to see the path of peace that we must follow. In every facet of our lives help us to show that path.
May we show your love for all. May we keep before us the vision of your kingdom of peace. We ask this in the name of the Prince of Peace, even your son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
O God, who would fold both heaven and earth in a single peace:
let the design of thy great love
lighten upon the waste of our wraths and sorrows:
and give peace to thy Church,
peace among nations,
peace in our dwellings,
and peace in our hearts:
through thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.