Merciful Lord, touch (pet's name) with Your gentle hand of healing and comfort. We pray that You would supernaturally deliver her of her symptoms of (health issue) and healing the underlying cause (health issue). We also pray that You would use veterinarians, medicines, and natural means to bring her once more to good health. Grant us wisdom and compassion as we care for her as Your stewards. In Jesus' name.
O Holy Father, Heavenly Physician of all thy creatures, Who heals our ailments and delivers from death: do thou visit and heal this pet(pet's name) granting him (her) release from pain and restoration to health and vigor, that he (she) may return to us and bring back the joy and love that we so treasure. Hear my prayer, now humbly offered unto thee.
Merciful God,
you created all things for your glory
and have graciously allowed us this animal to love.
Please look kindly on him and restore him to health and strength.
Please deliver her from fear and pain,
and grant us wisdom in our care for her,
in the name of Jesus, amen.
Merciful Lord, touch (pet's name) with Your gentle hand of healing and comfort. We pray that You would supernaturally deliver her of her symptoms of (health issue) and healing the underlying cause (health issue). We also pray that You would use veterinarians, medicines, and natural means to bring her once more to good health. Grant us wisdom and compassion as we care for her as Your stewards. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Hear our humble prayer, O God, for our friends, the animals, especially for animals who are suffering: for animals that are over-worked, under-fed and cruelly treated: for all wistful creatures in captivity: for any that are hunted or lost or deserted or frightened or hungry. Amen.
Heavenly Father, please help us in our time of need, You have made us stewards of (name of pet). If it is Your will, please restore him (her) to health and strength. I pray too for other animals in need. May they be treated with the care and respect deserving of all Your creation. Blessed are You Lord God, and holy is Your name forever and ever. Amen.
Divine Physician, You infused Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos with the gift of Your healing. By the help of his prayers, sustain in me the grace to know Your will and the strength to overcome my [pet's] afflictions. For love of You, make [him/her] whole. May I learn from the example of Father Seelos and gain comfort from his patient endurance. Amen. Prayer Source *I have taken the liberty of changing the prayer to suit our prayers for our sick pets.
Novena for a Healing of a Sick Pet
Prayer for Our Animal Friends
Prayer for a Sick Pet
Heavenly Father,
Please help us in our time of need,
You have made us stewards of (name of pet).
If it is Your will, please restore him (her)
to health and strength.
I pray too for other animals in need.
May they be treated with the care and respect
deserving of all Your creation.
Blessed are You Lord God,
and holy is Your name for ever and ever.
Hear our humble prayer,
O God,
for our friends, the animals, especially for animals who are suffering:
for animals that are over-worked,
under-fed and cruelly treated;
for all wistful creatures in captivity
that beat their wings against bars;
for any that are hunted or lost or deserted
or frightened or hungry;
for all that must be put to death.
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