O Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, prostrate before Thy crib, I believe Thou art the God of infinite Majesty, even though I do see Thee here as a helpless babe.
I humbly adore and thank Thee for having so humbled Thyself for my salvation as to will to be born in a stable. I thank Thee for all Thou didst wish to suffer for me in Bethlehem, for Thy poverty and humility, for Thy nakedness, tears, cold and sufferings.
Would that I could show Thee that tenderness which Thy Virgin Mother had toward Thee, and love Thee as she did.
Would that I could praise Thee with the joy of the angels, that I could kneel before Thee with the faith of St. Joseph, the simplicity of the shepherds. Amen
Make me reflect in some degree the virtues of Thy admirable nativity. Fill me with that spirit of renunciation, of poverty, of humility, which prompted Thee to assume the weakness of our nature, and to be born amid destitution and suffering.
Grant that from this day forward, I may in all things seek Thy greater glory, and may enjoy that peace promised to men of good will. Amen
O most glorious, most holy, most adorable Infant Jesus, King of my soul! Blessed be the hour in which your holy Mother will give you to me as my ransom. O most beautiful above the children of men give me a heart all glowing with holy desires, love, gratitude, and ardent zeal, since it was for my sake that you were born on earth. Give me the true spirit of your holy Nativity, a spirit of humility, silence, detachment, docility, meekness, and true and ardent charity. Bless me then, divine Infant, as you did bless the humble and simple shepherds watching over their flocks; and let me ever remember that it is to the humble, simple, and faithful that you most willingly communicate your choicest gifts. Amen.
Lord, we rejoice at the Christmas story and all the wondrous glory that we see unfolded in the manger scene in the little town of Bethlehem, and in the fields, while shepherds watched their flocks by night. We glory at the good news of great joy that was proclaimed by the angel of the Lord, and we are amazed to behold a heavenly choir of angelic beings singing,"glory to God in the highest." We praise Your name for the visit of the wise men from the east and we grieve at the satanic atrocity that was perpetrated by king Herod on innocent children.
But most of all, we humbly kneel before Your throne of grace when we understand that the baby lying in a manger must one day be crucified to the cruel cross, so that our sins could be forgiven. Father, thank You for sending Jesus to be born so that He could die for our sins. In His name we pray,
Heavenly Father, what an astonishing happening took place on that first Christmas morning when the eternal Son of God was born into the human race as the perfect Son of Man, and was clothed in a Body of human flesh, a body that the Father had prepared for Him so that He could become our perfect Kinsman-Redeemer, and save a lost race of sinners from eternal separation from their Creator.
It staggers the understanding that He should be born to die, so that we could be reborn to live. How we praise You Father at the wonder of it all, and we thank You that the good news of great joy which was proclaimed to men on earth, should be that Child Who was born of Mary and the Son Who was given by the Father should be called Jesus, Saviour.
Help me never to lose the child-like wonder of the glory of that first Christmas morning, when my God and Saviour was born to die for me. I will praise Your name through time and into eternity, for You alone are worthy of all honour and praise. In Jesus' name I pray,
God our Heavenly Father,
from the moment of creation
you have never ceased showing your love for us.
Even when we turned away from you,
you did not abandon us to the darkness of sin and death.
Indeed, it was when our need was greatest that you sent us a
Redeemer—your Son, Jesus—to be born of the Virgin Mary.
Bless us as we look upon this manger.
May it remind us of the humble birth of Jesus and
raise our minds to contemplate
the awesome mystery of God-made-flesh.
Let this holy season fill us with hope that we might join
him in the eternal Kingdom of peace in heaven.
Through Christ, our Lord and Savior, who lives
and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
May the Holy Family bless all of you during these days of Advent and bring you close to Jesus. And may Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of our Savior, be a model of humility and grace for us all. Amen.
Father, Today I celebrate the reality of Your presence in my life. I celebrate Your birth, Your life, Your death, and Your resurrection. And as I celebrate, Lord, help me to be "God with skin on" to those in need around me. Open my eyes and let me see them as You see them! I love You. Happy birthday Jesus! In Jesus name, Amen.
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