Lord Jesus Christ, you became one of us to reveal to us how much your Father loves each one of us. You reached out in love to the sinner and humble of heart. Your heart was full of compassion for the sick and disabled, for the bereaved, for the oppressed and the poor, and for all who felt the burden of their humanity too heavy to bear.
Be with us in our weakness and help us to raise our hearts and minds to you in trust. Give us loving hearts like yours so that we too may spread your love in the circles in which we move. Make our hearts gentle and humble so that we may have compassion for those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
Replace our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh. Open our eyes to the goodness and beauty in all your people and in all your creation. Bless us with hearts that are always ready to forgive.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, mother of Jesus and mother of all who believe in him, hear our prayer for guidance. You were specially favoured and by the power of the Holy Spirit God's Son was conceived in you. Jesus loves us so much that he placed us in your care. So we come to you, good mother, seeking your intercession with your Son so that he will empower us to live with our humanity and its limitations and frailties.
May we, like you, listen to your Son's word and witness to it in our lives. May we act gently when upset, kindly when hurt, patiently when annoyed, compassionately with the oppressed, and lovingly with all your people. May we bring peace and joy to all we live with and meet. May we never doubt God's love for us, but live by faith and await his return in glory.
Heavenly Father, you sent your Son into our world to bring healing and hope to those who are suffering and in pain. He brought healing and relief to the suffering and diseased people He met whilst here on earth. Turn your kindness towards Name who is ill, and free them from all illness and restore them to health if it be for their good and the glory of your name. We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord.
Jesus, teacher and friend, be with me now as I sit this exam. Give me a peaceful heart, a focused mind, and a steady hand. Help me to remember what I have learned, to answer wisely and well, and persevere when I am tired and weary.
Father, I thank you for the gift of family and friends. Give them health of mind and body. Be with them on the journey of life. Bring them safely to that day when we will all be reunited in your presence forever.
Lord, help me to bear witness to you. May I be kind to my neighbour, just in my dealings with others, welcome the stranger and the needy, and walk humbly with you.
Lord, I know my prayer life is weak. I know I need to give more attention to my daily conversation with You. Help me to form a strong habit of prayer, each and every day, so that this life of prayer will become the guiding light of my life. Jesus, I trust in You.
“Jesus Christ,
I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life. Thank you for dying on the Cross for me, set me free from all my sins and forgive me today. Please come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Be with me forever.
Thank you Jesus!”
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