Dear Lord, You are my hiding place. You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. I thank You that during this difficult situation and adversity I can still sing songs of deliverance, because You are my help. It is in You that I seek Your strength. I declare that I will cast all of my cares upon You, Lord, because You care for me. Thank You, Lord. Amen.
Holy One, I take courage, knowing that in You, Lord, is a refuge for the oppressed and a stronghold in times of trouble. Life challenges often cause oppression but I know that You have given me victory, so I will praise You for the special help You provide to me. I will exalt You in all things, knowing that Your presence is always with me. Father, I take rest in You, despite the adverse circumstances. Amen.
Holy God, I will taste and see that You are good because Your word tells me so. I know that I am blessed when I take refuge in You. I will seek You in times of trouble because You are faithful to Your people. I will seek You in times of trouble because You shelter me from all harm. Thank You for being my special help in times of trouble. Thank You for being my sanctuary in times of need. Amen.
Precious Lord, I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is Christ Jesus, our Lord. I praise You because no matter what I experience, and no matter what I go through Your love does not leave me. Your love is the special help that keeps me running the race. Thank You, Lord. Amen.
Father in Heaven, Your word tells me that I should not lose heart because You provide a type of help that is special and eternal. Though outwardly I am wasting away, yet inwardly I am being renewed day by day. For my light and momentary troubles are achieving for me an eternal glory that outweighs them all. So, I fix my eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. Amen.
Awesome God, whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ, I consider everything a loss compared to the priceless privilege and supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord. For Your sake I have lost everything, and consider it all garbage, so that I may gain Christ and be found in You. There is no righteousness of my own that comes from the law, only that which comes through faith in You – my special help. Amen.
Magnificent Creator, You have made me as part of Your chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, Your special possession, that I may declare the praises of You who called me out of darkness into Your wonderful light. I thank You Father, for allowing me to receive Your mercy and special help so that I am no longer a foreigner, instead I am part of the people of God. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I declare that I will be strong and courageous. I will not be afraid or terrified because of the things that stand against me, for You, my God and my special help, go with me. You will never leave me nor forsake me. You are my shepherd. I declare that You will guide me on the paths that I need to follow and You will feed me the things that will help me grow. With You I will lack nothing. Amen.