Virgin Mary, turn your merciful eyes towards us amid this coronavirus pandemic. Comfort those who are distraught and mourn their loved ones who have died, and at times are buried in a way that grieves them deeply. Be close to those who are concerned for their loved ones who are sick and who, in order to prevent the spread of the disease, cannot be close to them. Fill with hope those who are troubled by the uncertainty of the future and the consequences for the economy and employment.
Mother of God and our Mother, pray for us to God, the Father of mercies, that this great suffering may end and that hope and peace may dawn anew. Plead with your divine Son, as you did at Cana, so that the families of the sick and the victims be comforted, and their hearts be opened to confidence and trust.
Protect those doctors, nurses, health workers and volunteers who are on the frontline of this emergency, and are risking their lives to save others. Support their heroic effort and grant them strength, generosity and continued health.
Be close to those who assist the sick night and day, and to priests who, in their pastoral concern and fidelity to the Gospel, are trying to help and support everyone.
Blessed Virgin, illumine the minds of men and women engaged in scientific research, that they may find effective solutions to overcome this virus.
Support national leaders, that with wisdom, solicitude and generosity, that they may come to the aid of those lacking the basic necessities of life and may devise social and economic solutions inspired by farsightedness and solidarity.
Mary Most Holy, stir our consciences, so that the enormous funds invested in developing and stockpiling arms will instead be spent on promoting effective research on how to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.
Beloved Mother, help us realise that we are all members of one great family and to recognise the bond that unites us, so that, in a spirit of fraternity and solidarity, we can help to alleviate countless situations of poverty and need. Make us strong in faith, persevering in service, constant in prayer.
Mary, Consolation of the afflicted, embrace all your children in distress and pray that God will stretch out his all-powerful hand and free us from this terrible pandemic, so that life can serenely resume its normal course.
To you, who shine on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope do we entrust ourselves, O Clement, O Loving, O Sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Blessed Sacrament,
I love You above all things and I desire You in my soul,
Since I now cannot receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart,
I embrace you and unite myself to you;
Permit not that I should ever be separated from You. Amen.
For the Holy Catholic Church and all Christian churches, may we trust in Christ and become one vigorous, fruitful community of faith, so that the world may see one King of Glory and one Kingdom of God,
Let Us Pray to the Lord;
For all of the devoted pastors, dedicated deacons, faith-filled teachers, and enthusiastic musicians, choir, lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, welcomers, ushers, and altar servers, who serve their faith community, and make our celebration of mass moving, uplifting, and spirit-filled,
Let Us Pray to the Lord;
For the children of the world, may they be protected from hunger, abuse, illiteracy, disease, neglect, and violence, and allowed to enjoy lighthearted and carefree childhoods, gently molded by God's laws and loving discipline,
Let Us Pray to the Lord;
For all who suffer: the diseased, the poor, those denied dignity, and those who live without hope, grant them the peace of knowing that Christ the King will never abandon them nor tire of tending to their needs;
Let Us Pray to the Lord;
For those who have died, may they receive the grace of redemption and join their King in paradise,
Let Us Pray to the Lord.
For the Holy Catholic Church, as it continues to speak out against all that would destroy human dignity, human rights, and human life, we thank you Lord;
Let Us Pray to the Lord;
For our dedicated pastor, as he comforts the faithful, encourages the hopeless, and inspires those who have lost their relationship with God, we thank you Lord;
Let Us Pray to the Lord;
For this great country, where our voices do make a difference, where we have the freedom to live our lives in accordance with our beliefs, where our potential is not limited by our parentage, and where we have the opportunity to raise our families in comfort and abundance, we thank you Lord;
Let Us Pray to the Lord;
For our friends and family who love us, care for our needs, listen to us in our desperation, comfort us in our sorrow, advise us with caring concern, and, by their selflessness, bring us closer to God, we thank you Lord;
Let Us Pray to the Lord;
For those who provide loving and compassionate care to the ill, the infirm, the elderly, the addicted, the poor, the hopeless, and the abused, we thank you Lord;
Let Us Pray to the Lord;
For the departed, who remain with us in our prayers and our memories, and for the promise of a joyful reunion, we thank you Lord;
Let Us Pray to the Lord.
For the Holy Catholic Church and especially our diocese, may they preach the word of God with authority and without apology, shepherd their flocks with love and tolerance, and work toward uniting the scattered people of God,
Let Us Pray to the Lord;
For Christians everywhere, may we be courageous in the face of a world preoccupied with sex, materialism and self-indulgence, and meet these challenges with dignity and godliness,
Let Us Pray to the Lord;
For those who are facing the holidays with anxiety because of grief, divorce, estrangement, financial distress, and other personal tragedies, may they be protected from crippling fear and place their trust in the Lord, knowing that they are the clay and God is the potter, always working for their good,
Let Us Pray to the Lord;
For our faith family at ___________, may Gods blessings be showered upon our parish for our support of those in need through the black bag collection for the St. Vincent de Paul Society,
Let Us Pray to the Lord;
For those suffering from illness, depression, disability, addiction, disappointment, poverty, and hopelessness, may they trust that God will not abandon the work of His hands, but will abide with them, sharing their joy and their pain,
Let Us Pray to the Lord;
For those who have died, may they be cleansed of all guilt and sin, and receive God's mercy, compassion, and the fullness of redemption,
Let Us Pray to the Lord.
For those who live a sincere and good life, the hour of death is transformed into an
hour of glory, because Christ gives them the crown of eternal life. Let us pray in our
hour of loss.
Christ is the Good Shepherd who gives his life to save those he loves. In our loss, let
us turn to him and with confidence make our needs known to him.
We are made in the image and likeness of God. As trusting people we pray to our
merciful God.
God our Father has given us victory over sin and death through his Son, Jesus Christ.
Let us turn to him in our hour of need, and pray to him with confidence.
Father, into your hands we commend the soul of our brother/sister N.. Look gently
upon him/her and bring him/her home to your kingdom where death will be no more.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord, give us the certainty that beyond death there is a life where broken things are
mended and lost things are found; where there is rest for the weary and joy for the
sad; where all that we have loved and willed of good exists, and where we will meet
again our loved ones. We ask this through Christ who is Lord forever and ever. Amen