We gather today joining hearts as we honor the loss of our beloved pet (pet's name) who made our days and our lives more enjoyable. Someday we hope to meet with you again (pet's name) in eternity with hugs, kisses and tears. We miss your daily presence and unending love in our daily lives. Death ends a life but our relationship still lives on in my heart and in my memory of times we spent together. You are now free running the fields where we will meet again. You are restored to complete health. You are in God's loving care forever.
Dear God, we bring our grief in the loss of (pet's name) to you and ask for the courage to move through our grief. We bring you all our thanks for (pet's name) who we were blessed to have as our precious pet. She/he gave so freely of his/her love to all those who she'd meet. We commit our beloved pet and companion into your loving hands. Surround us with your love and give us others to support us as we mourn.
We honor the memory of our precious pet with the warm light of this candle, sending to all our beloved pets a message of peace and love. We, as pet caregivers, bring our loss and sorrow to this place and together we ask that day by day our grief will be lessened. Each day let us continue to see how the relationship we had with our beloved pet still impacts our lives today.
May you find peace, hope and healing in the Father's warm embrace. May you feel the light of the Holy Spirit and the faith of Jesus Christ. May you accept the loss of your dog or cat as part of the natural cycle of life and death. May you hold on to the beautiful memories with clarity and joy, and let the grief, guilt and pain pass through you without leaving dark shadows. And here may you find comforting prayers, encouragements, and suggestions for saying goodbye after the loss of a pet. Amen.
Father in Heaven,
Bring comfort and healing to those who are mourning the deaths of their beloved pets. You know their pain, for you lost your own beloved son. You know the depth of sadness and grief your children feel when they lose a dog or cat who was so dear, near, and special to them. You know the emptiness of a home that no longer has that furry little (or big!) creature; you know the emptiness of a heart that longs for the comforting touch of a beloved cat or dog.
I thank you for the gift of our pets, for the love these creatures give us, for the life that they offer, and for the chance to love them like we love nothing and nobody else on earth.
I pray for comfort, peace, and healing as we let go of the cats and dogs that we loved so dearly.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the gift of pets. You blessed us with the existence of this dog in our hearts and home for 10 years. You brought this dog to us; You brought life, joy, love, companionship, laughter, and comfort to us through this dog. He loved us unconditionally, and You loved us unconditionally through this pet. Thank you for this experience, this life we had together. Thank You for giving us this gift and blessing. It was a short life, but it was deep.
We lift our beloved pet to You now. We lift her spirit, her heart and soul and dear little body to You. We know You love this pet dearly, and You are watching over us now. We know You care, and Your heart aches just as ours do. We pray for the loss of our pet, and we give You our grief and pain. We bow before you in humble adoration, and we lift our broken hearts to You.
We trust You with a childlike faith, Father, and we know our pet is safe in Your arms. We love you with innocent hearts, and we know You will take good care of our pets now and forevermore.
Until we meet again, our pets rest safely in Your arms and our hearts.
I pray for healing from the grief and guilt you feel over the loss of your pet dog or cat. May you find comfort, hope and peace in the knowledge that your pet is resting in peace. Your dog isn't in pain, your cat's spirit is at ease. Your beloved dog or cat isn't here with us in physical form, but is surrounding us in spirit. Forever in our hearts.
I pray for your dog or cat to remain alive and joyful in your heart and soul, and for you to remember your pet with joy and love. May you hold on to the light, life, and love your pet dog or cat brought to your home. May you be free from the shadows, and may your heart, soul and spirit be filled with the peace, joy, and radiance that can only come from the Son.
Lord, (cat's name) is such a gentle soul; please welcome him into your arms and onto your lap. I pray that his transition is peaceful and he feels my love for him as he goes. Thank you for allowing me the time with (cat's name) that I had - he was such a blessing to me.