Dear God, I thank you that you have a job for me, and I know that in whatever position you place me, I will be blessed. I am blessed when I come and when I go, and I know that I am above only and not beneath. You have blessed me and called me your own.
Dear God,
You know my needs. You know my desire for a job, for work I enjoy doing, for the next step in my career to present itself. I pray that you would guide me as I continue on this job hunting journey. May I focus first on your will for my life, putting your desires and your plan above my own wishes and wants. Open doors to new opportunities that you desire for me, and equip me with the skills, knowledge, and wisdom I need to take steps forward in this process. As I craft my resume, write cover letters, submit my applications, connect with new companies and potential employers, and go on interviews, give me the words to speak and the courage to share who I am and what I can do. Give me confidence that can only come from you, and give me humility too. I trust you, Lord-- my life is in your hands. Your will be done. Thank you for being near to me every step of the way and thank you for always providing for my every need. May this all be for your glory.
In your name,
Heavenly father, I ask that you provide a job suited for my needs this day. Lead me to a job that will accommodate me without hesitation. You are the rock on which I stand. I ask that You provide me with a job that is both stable and without shaky grounds.
I ask that my talents, skills, abilities and education will be put into practical use. That way, I can have sufficient to pay my bills, and place bread on my table for myself and my family. May I also be able to give back what is due to You, Father.
Lord, You command blessings upon me in my barns and in all that I put my hands to do, and You will bless me in the land which You give me.
Right now, I proclaim that I will receive many job opportunities that will allow me to perform at my best, remembering You in all that I do.
I speak that doors will be opened to me in every direction I turn, because Your light shines upon me.
I decree and declare that unemployment is of the past and will be no more. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen!
Lord, for too long I have waited, and I am weary of being unemployed. Today, I cast my anxiety and worry unto You because You are the God that cares.
I am tired of being unwanted. Lord, let my race, gender, faith, family background and status be irrelevant to the employer. Let them choose me because Your goodwill is upon my life.
No more will I beg of bread but it will be given abundantly to me in the name of Jesus.
Lord, Your word says that the same God who takes care of me will supply all my needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
This I believe, and I rebuke all racism, unfairness, injustice, favoritism and prejudice in the name of Jesus. I speak prosperity in my life.
I pray against the devil who came to kill steal and destroy. Satan has kept me back from my blessings for too long, and I say no more!
No more will his hands tamper with my mind. But I will trust in the Lord of heaven and earth for my breakthrough.
Lord, You have done it all on the cross for me and no longer will I suffer the trouble of unemployment, in Jesus name. Amen!
God be with me today in finding employment. Lead me to work that I love, and that has value. Guide me to a place with an atmosphere of respect and cooperation, in a safe and happy environment. Help me to find fulfillment mentally and financially. Thank you God, for bringing this to me today!
Lord, you are a loving Father and generous to your children. You bless and inspire the world with your good work. Help me in my search for profitable work so that I may care for my own as well as you have cared for me. Thank you Lord, for your loving guidance today.
Lord, Thank you that you have good things in store for those who love you, for those who have been called according to your purpose. Thank you for the gifts and talents that you have given me. Even before I was born your hand was at work in the very fabric of my being and through my adult years you have stood by me and provided for me in good times and in times of need and crisis. I reach out you now O God and ask that you would lead me to the right job. Open my heart as I search for the right kind of work. Protect my mind, cover my thinking, That my mind might be alert to your leading and my spirit sensitive to your promptings. I pray that you would open a door to a job which brings fulfillment and happiness. A job which not only provides for my needs but enables me to give freely to the needs of others. A job which extends the reach of your work, your kingdom and your will on this earth today. I ask all this in the powerful name of Jesus, My loving Saviour and Friend, Amen.
Heavenly Father,
Your kingdom rules over all and to Your name be all glory. I thank You for giving me laser like focus on the right career path. Lord, give me an understanding of places where I will thrive. Show me the types of environments that enable me to do my best. I only want to be in Your perfect will for me. You are a God of mercy and You know my strengths and my shortcomings. I praise You for allowing me to discover the right position that will highlight my strengths and veil my weaknesses. If the right position for me does not exist, I thank You for creating it for my sake. I stand on Your word in Psalm 103:17(NKJV) “But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him.”
In Jesus' Name I pray Amen.