Dear Lord, help me choose my words wisely, Help me speak life into those around me today--to be a source of encoursgement rsther than discoursgement, of hope rather than pain. Amen
Lord give me the right words to say, to broken hearts that come my way. To those who have been hurt before, that, i not hurt them anymore.
That i might have the right words to say, that i might plant a seed today, that glory would be given to you, through all i say and do.
Fragile are those souls and weak, so this is why your words i seek, and pray thee give of words to say, that i, not one soul, turn away.
Lord, we're asking for your wisdom to dwell richly in us, to be present in all our conversations.
We're asking for discernment about the timing of every hard chat we have to have. Help us to know when to speak up and when to shut up.
We ask you to go before us and prepare the hearts and minds of those we need to speak too. And we ask that you would help us to see where we are getting things wrong and need to be open to the truth that others are trying to speak to us.
We know that we won't always get say the right things so give us the courage to say, “I'm sorry” and start again, to not hold the hurtful words we hear in our hearts, but let them go.
Lord, you've shown us the power that words can have help us always use them like you to speak light into darkness.
We ask today for your words to be always on our lips.
Lord, I know my tongue often gets ahead of my mind and heart. I am quick to speak and I repent of the many thoughtless things I have spoken. I am sorry for words I have spoken in anger or in gossip. Please help me to see when I am about to speak without thinking and to check my heart. Help me be slow to speak. Help me Lord to be a person full of loving words, full of your Spirit, overflowing with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self control. Amen.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You that You have given me power in Your Name to overcome any hardship, and to increase in every area of my life through the simple act of speaking right words—words that line up with Your Word.
Lord, I believe that my words are containers that carry my faith and accomplish in the natural realm everything You have promised. I ask You to help me be mindful of each and every word I speak. Father, help me to eliminate all idle words in my life and only speak those things that I desire to come to pass.
Father, when the temptation comes to speak against Your Word, I pray that You will help me put a guard over my mouth and stop before any wrong word is spoken. I ask You to give me wisdom and insight into which words You would have me speak, and then fill me with the boldness to speak those words continually and without doubt.
I thank You, in Jesus' Name, that Your Word does not return void; and therefore, my words spoken in line with Your Word will never fail to accomplish what they set out to do. Thank You for empowering me with right words, and I thank You for the end result—victory in my life!
In Jesus' Name. Amen.
God, through Your Spirit, please let me respond to others with Your sensitivity and compassion. Help me to listen, so that I hear both what is spoken and what it conceals of others' needs. Help me to recognise others' unique personality and value. I want to present to others the gift of themselves as You create and perceive them, so that they may come to see themselves in beautiful, humble trust, as cherished gifts of Your love.
Wonderful Counsellor let our conversations be full of grace and seasoned with salt, so that we may know how to answer everyone. We pray that we do not respond out of malice or anger towards people but let the words that we speak be words that we have reflected on. Let the words that we speak be words with a purpose in line with Your will. Let the words that we speak be words from lips that have been blessed by You, Amen.
Awesome God, I thank You for who You are, You are worthy to be praised. I pray that just as good things come out of my mouth when I praise You, let this be the same when I am not praising You. I pray that my speech is always full of good things because the soothing tongue is the tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit. When I praise You, I am building up my spirit, I pray that I do not counteract this in the way that I speak to people, Amen.