Dear Lord,
Please heal my father. I love him so much. He was a good friend, a good brother, a good son, he was a good husband, and a good father. Please heal him, wash him with your precious blood, sanctify him Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for every child who has same situation like me, I pray that they will be stong and that you will hear their hearts desires. Every child needs a Father and I need mine. Lord we are nothing without you, someday we will all rest in heaven with you but Lord God I'm begging you please give my Father long life and heal him. In Jesus name. Amen
Dear lord, please heal my dad he has been there whenever I needed him, he has been a great father to me and my brother. I love him so dearly, that I bet for you to heal him to have more life on this earth. I pray o lord for you healing hand and your love for your children, amen.
Almighty Father,
Hold my lovely dad at this time of illness, watch over him when he can not sleep, speak your love to him when he is afraid, touch and heal his weak body.
Lord, you are the fountain of life. I ask for your life giving water to pour down upon him. Build him up again, look after his emotions and may he know your loving arms are around him at this time. Thank you for your love, and for your promises to your children. Thank you that you will never leave us, and that you bring us a peace that surpasses all understanding.
LORD please heal my father, please give him more life in this world, im begging you lord jesu christ. i want him to be happy again same before, o lord jesus christ please grant my parayer. thank you o lord. Amen….
lord please heal my father…he need more strengh.please give him more life in this world.. ilove him so much…hope everything will be okay… i really miss my father.. i need to be with him but i cant..let's pray for my father..
Dear lord, please heal my dad he has been there whenever I needed him, he has been a great father to me and my brother. I love him so dearly, that I bet for you to heal him to have more life on this earth. I pray o lord for you healing hand and your love for your children, amen.
Heavenly Father,
I know we are all sinners. Please forgive our sins, Lord. I pray may you heal my papa of his illness. Cure him, Oh Lord. Please give him more years to live. I may seldom say to him that i love him so much and i am thankful that he is my papa. Please Father God, through Your Mighty name Jesus Christ, I pray that my papa will be healed.
Dear Lord,
Please help heal my father from is ill health. May he restore his good health once again fast and steady. May he re-gain his losing eye-sight and may his heart remain as healthy as ever.