My Heavenly Father, in John 17:3, Jesus says, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” Jesus was praying that people come to know You, our only means to eternal salvation. Today I choose to pray as Jesus did and ask that You help those who have yet to give their lives to Christ. May Your love and power reveal themselves to the nonbelievers, so that they will someday know You! Amen.
Lord Almighty, as I pray today for those that do not know Jesus I ask that You can break whatever it is that has control over their heart that takes them away from knowing You. Psalm 119:67 says, “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word.” It is true that many have to fall to their lowest points in life before they turn their life over to You. It often takes painful circumstances to drive us to Christ. Addiction, lust, materialism, and other deadly sins are false gods that are stealing the hearts of those who need You the most. I pray for those who are unsaved that You will be able to rip the bondage of what is holding them back. May they seek You! Amen.
Loving Father, I lift up my unbelieving husband to You and pray that You would honour my desperate pleading for his salvation, and help him I pray, to realise his need to accept Jesus as his Saviour and commit his life to You.
I pray that Your Holy Spirit would convict him of his sin and the eternal consequences that he faces outside of Christ. I pray that he may come to a saving faith in Jesus and that You would fulfil the plan and purpose that You have for his life. Open his eyes I pray, and bring him into a living, vital and intimate relationship with Jesus.
I pray that You would give me the grace and wisdom to live a godly life that honours You and teach me to be the sort of wife that will cause my husband to be intrigued to know You, Whom to know is life eternal.
Father, I entrust his life into Your hand and pray that You would honour this heart-plea. In Jesus' name I pray,
Dear Father God, we pray for the salvation of men and women throughout our world that have not come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord, we know that it is not Your will that any one should perish but that all should come to faith in the Lord Jesus as their Saviour.
Father, we lift the lost to You and pray that in Your long-suffering mercy, You would draw close to each and every one. We pray that the light of Your love would shine into their hearts, and that the truth of Your Word would convict their inner soul of their need of a Saviour.
Thank You for sending Christ Jesus into the world to be born into the human race and live among us. Thank You, that He was willing to die on the cross for sinners, to give His life as a ransom for many, so as to provide salvation for all who would believe in Him as Saviour.
We plead Your gracious mercy on all unbelievers today and ask that You would snatch them from the jaws of evil and bring them to saving faith in Christ. This we ask in His precious name,
Dear Lord, it is not Your will that anyone should perish but that all should come to faith in the Lord Jesus. Father, there are many hearts that are cold towards Your dear Son, for sin has infected the soul of every man and woman – and yet in Your love You continue to reach out to whosoever will believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Lord, all they have to do is to trust that Jesus died to pay the price for their sins and rose again the third day, to break the power of sin and death in their life, so that all who believe may have eternal life.
I pray Lord, that in Your grace and mercy, You would convict the hearts of many today of the evils of sin, of the price that the Lord Jesus paid for their sins and of the judgement of condemnation on all who do not believe in the only begotten Son of God as Saviour.
Father, I pray that many souls may be convicted of their need of the Lord Jesus today, and praise You for every person that will place their trust in Him.
Father, I thank You for my son and the joy that he has brought into our lives, but Lord my heart aches for him to come to faith in Jesus, and I pray that You would bring my precious, unbelieving son to a saving faith in Christ.
Thank You, that You loved the world so much that You sent Your own, dearly beloved Son to be the propitiation for our sins and for the sins of the whole world. Thank You, that whosoever believes in Christ Jesus will not perish but have everlasting life.
I pray that eyes of my dearly beloved, yet unbelieving son, would be opened to the truth of the glorious gospel of grace and that He would turn from his sin to Christ and be born into Your eternal family of God. Into Your hands I entrust my son whom I so desire to be saved, and pray that in Your mercy You would guide him into all truth. In Jesus' name,
Heavenly Father, Your Word says that Your kindness leads us to repentance. I pray that You would convict my spouse of the need to turn to Christ and to turn away from the enticements of this world.
Thank You, that in love You sent the Lord Jesus to become the sin sacrifice on Calvary's cross for all who would turn from sin and trust in His name. Thank You Father, that You desire all men and women to be saved, including my spouse, and I pray that You would do the impossible in our marriage.
Thank You, Lord, that no one is beyond Your saving grace and thank You that the Holy Spirit is working in the lives of the unsaved to bring them to saving faith and convict them of their need of salvation. Work in the life of my spouse I pray, and Lord, I pray that whatever it takes You would bring them to saving faith in Christ. In Jesus' name,
Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, it is with deep sadness that I come to Your throne of grace today, to find strength and grace to help in this of deepest need. Father, the precious daughter that You saw fit to add to our family is moving further away from You and I am grieved that she does not know the Lord Jesus as her personal Saviour and Lord, and seems to have dismissed all that we taught her in her early years.
Look down on our dear daughter in pity and mercy I pray, and draw her back to Yourself with cords of love and grace. Convict her of her foolish choices she is making and convince her of her need to return into Your arms of loving forgiveness.
Bring into her life godly friends and wise councillors and remove any rebellious leanings she has towards the things of God. Give me the right words to say when appropriate and endow me with the wisdom to keep silent at other times, and in Your grace bring her into a saving knowledge of Jesus and renew a right spirit within her I pray. In Jesus' name,