Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, the trials and difficulties that surround us, seem at times to take up so much of our thoughts and prayers, but Lord I ask that You would give me a deeper understanding of how to pray into Your perfect and eternal will, for You have put eternity in my heart and I desire to pray in unity with Your Spirit and in line with Your will.
Teach me Lord, how to focus on my prayers on Your wider plan for man and all that You have purposed for the world, and give me a deep yearning to join my pleadings with Your perfect plans. May I seek first Your millennial kingdom rule on earth and Your eternal kingdom rule in the eternal ages to come.
It was the Lord Jesus Who said, “My will is to the will of Him Who sent me and to finish His world,” and Lord, I pray that You would develop in me an increasingly deep desire to carry our Your will and purpose in my life and prayers, and the understanding and discernment to know how to pray.
May You be glorified in my prayers and may my prayers and pleadings be aligned to Your will. In Jesus' name I pray,
Lord, Please open up my mind to help me to understand the Bible. Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions. Give me understanding so that I can know you better. Please give me spiritual wisdom and insight so that I might grow in my knowledge of you. Give me discernment to help me understand what I read.
The Bible says that the revelation of your words brings light and gives understanding to the inexperienced. Please reveal things to me as I read, and help me to learn and understand so that I can do what you say and obey with all of my heart.
Let your Holy Spirit guide me into the truth, reveal things to me from your Word, and explain spiritual truths to me. Teach me, and help me to increase in learning and obtain guidance. Please help knowledge to come easily to me. Make things plain, clear, and easy to understand as I read.
Thank you in advance for helping me to understand the Bible!
Jehovah Nissi, night departs and day arrives. As I go out into the world fulfilling Your will for my life, I ask that You keep me out of harm's way. Lead the way.
Oh Heavenly Father, guide me accordingly. Shape me and mold me into a better person. As I draw near to You, may I understand Your teachings and apply them to my life.
Psalm 111:10 – The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!
“Lord, thank you for this time you've given me to open your Word and discover who you are. Thank you that you don't leave us in the dark about who you are and what you are doing in the world, but that you have revealed yourself and your will through the Bible, your sacred words to us. Lord, I need wisdom as I read your Word. You promise us in James 1:5 that we only have to ask for wisdom to receive it. Lord, please give me your wisdom now as I approach your word. Help me discern the truth of this text. Help me not rely on my own understanding. Thank you God for the clarity, encouragement and hope your Word brings. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.”
Heavenly Father, I ask that you would give me an understanding and discerning heart. Help me to be slow to get angry but quick to response to the needs, disappointment and problems that others are facing.
Keep me Lord, from developing a judgmental spirit that can so often jump to the wrong conclusions, and prevent me from speaking too hastily, which can so often cause sadness and pain to those that are in need and trouble.
Lord, I want to be used by You as a channel of blessing and too often I speak out of turn and do not show the loving compassion that I want to show. Teach me Lord, how to relate to people and I pray that You would change me from the inside out to be the person that You would have me to be. In Jesus' name I pray,
Lord, teach me how to pray with understanding. Teach me I pray, how to pray into Your will, to pray in spirit and truth, to pray as You would have me pray.
Lord, I ask that as I come across various difficulties that people are facing that I hear with Your ears, see with Your eyes and understand with Your heart so that I may speak and pray into the situation as You would have me pray. In Jesus' name I pray,
Gracious God, our heavenly Father, sometimes we reach out for You, wishing we could touch You, see You, or in some other way find some physical evidence that You are near and that you are concerned.
Forgive us our doubting and lift us, please, to higher levels of faith and understanding.
We do not ask that You change in any way whatsoever. We humbly pray that You will change us until our spirits shall be more like Yours.
Heavenly Father, thank You for sending the Lord Jesus to be my Saviour and for dying for me on the cross and paying the price for my sins. Thank You for giving us the Word of God that so beautifully opens up Your plan of redemption for mankind, and thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to live in me and to lead and guide me into all truth.
I pray Lord, that You would give me a deeper understanding of Your Word, Your plan for Israel and Your plan for the Church. I pray that as I read and study the scriptures, that my heart would be flooded with Your light, so that I can understand all that You would teach me. I pray that my understanding would cause me to live in a way that is honouring to You, and that I would draw closer to You with every passing day.
Father, I pray that You would open the eyes of my heart as I read, study and meditate on Your Word, so that I may see You more clearly and love you more dearly. In Jesus' name I pray,